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white Jesus The white supremacists advocate that Jesus was White. The world has been presented with a White Jesus from the Roman Empire when Augustus was the royal leader around 31 BC-AD 14. The Euro-centric Christian world knows nothing about the real Jesus from the Tribe of Judah, the Ethiopian who spoke Aramaic. According to Hebrews 7:14, The Tribe of Judah from whence Jesus or Yahshua, - (His Hebrew name) - came, is a dark skinned nation of people. Jeremiah 14:2 also states that, “Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up.” The word black in this verse is qadar which means dark skinned in the ancient Hebrew language.

However, as Europe prospered, it presented the global world with a white Jesus around the time when the Bible was being translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English. Even Plato and Socrates provided Christianity with philosophy and mystical thought which they learnt from the ancient Black Egyptians. Europeans then affixed pictures of the blonde, blue-eyed man and his disciples on Bible end-pages and inserts, to fool the world into believing in a white saviour for soul salvation.

European Jesus But did you know that the false image which Christians worship today is that of an Italian homosexual, paedophile and mass murderer named Ceasare Borgias, which was painted by Michelangelo around 1400, depicting Borgias posing as the long blonde hair, blue eyed, effeminate looking Christ?

So for two millennia the image of the true Christ has been transformed to the likeness of the European, changing from the original African image to one commissioned by the Catholic Church with the help of Michelangelo, whose portraits of Biblical characters were either of his own family, or the “boys’’ with whom he was in love.

These seemingly innocent pictures were in fact one of the catalyst for the perpetuation of the system of White Supremacy, even though history and archaeology had long supported the fact that the people who wrote and distributed the Bible were non-European and non-White. In fact, there was no European in the known world at the time when history was being recorded, because everyone was genetically Black African.

Early catacomb painting of Christ and His disciples gathered for the Eucharist.

This particular section in Matt:2:1-2 led archaeologists to begin excavations in Judea, as the place where Jesus was born. “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, where is he that is born King of the Jews?”

Current research has clearly revealed through DNA tests from the discovered tombs which contained the names and bodies of Mary of Magdalene, Martha, and Lazarus, that the people of the village of Magdella where they lived, were in fact Negroes.

Dr. Dan Bahaat, a Jew from the University of Bar Ilan, discovered several documents of tombs inside the Great Church in Israel which he was able to date back 2000 years to the time of Jesus - the Judean. Dr. Richard Neave, a medical artist from the Medical University of Manchester, is the world’s leading forensic pathologist who reconstructed the face of Jesus from bones that were found in a tomb in Bethlehem of Judea where Jesus was born.

Dr. Richard Neave took the skull of a person from the tribe of Judah from 2000 years ago, and the first thing noticed was that the skull was more rounded than the present day inhabitants of Jerusalem. The round skull was from the kind of face that you find in North Africa, Egypt; the features of the Nubian in Sudan. In other words, those people you see in Egypt today are not the indigenous Negroids but are Turks “Caucasians,” and neither are the people calling themselves Israelis today the original descendents from Israel.

These findings confirm that Jesus’ skin was Black, and this is exactly what the Discovery Channel and the BBC have unearthed and are making public.

In the story of Yahshua or Jesus, Joseph was instructed by an angel to flee to Egypt in order to hide Yahshua from the reaches of King Herod who was determined to kill Him, after he discovered that a new king was born who might be a threat to his authority. Yahshua would only have been able to hide among the Black-skinned Egyptians if He were of the same dark hue as those Egyptians.

Joseph, Miriam (Mary) and Yahshua were told to flee into Africa because at that time Egypt was a Roman province under Roman control, but it was still a Black country populated by Black-skinned people. So Joseph, Miriam and Yahshua would have been just another Black-skinned family among other Negroes, since they had fled to Egypt for the purpose of hiding from Herod who was seeking to kill Yahshua. If Yahshua and the rest of the Hebrews looked like those pictures of the Christian Christ which portray Him as a long haired, white skinned blond with blue eyes, it would have been impossible for Him and His family to hide among the Black Egyptians without being discovered.

Jesus early image Furthermore, to show that Jesus was Black, Rev. 1:14 clearly states, "His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire.”  Jesus’ head and hair were "white like wool," is merely referring to His hair texture. The only people on the face of the earth with hair of a woolly texture are those of the Negroid Race whose hair in its natural state is like the wool of a lamb. If Black people do not cut or comb their hair it will eventually lock together and become woolly.

This image of Jesus was found in a church in Rome in AD 530.

Revelation 1:15 states, “and His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters."
Daniel 10:6 likewise says "His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass..."

Brass is already light brown, and when it is burnt it turns dark brown without any type of glow as some corrupt translations like the New International Version of the Bible would like you to believe.

Many scholars suggest that “feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace” does not refer to the complexion of Jesus. However, in Lamentations 5:10, it says “…skin black like oven,” which by reading the next verse, reveals that it is describing the tribe of Judah. The Hebrew word for oven is “rwnt tannuwr tan-noor,” which is defined as “furnace, oven, fire-pot or stove.”

Caucasians do not at any time turn black, but Black people can become as white as snow or leprous, from the curses placed on them as demonstrated for example, when the greedy, covetous, lying Gehadi and his descendents received such a curse which was to last forever. (2 Kings 5:27).

Jesus on catacombs Jesus is called the Lamb of God with His Woolly, Nappy hair being compared to lamb's wool. When Jesus was first depicted in the catacombs of Rome, He was portrayed as the Good Shepherd; as a Black beardless Nappy, Woolly haired youth, as the image on the left demonstrates, but as Christianity became a state religion, those images of Jesus began to take on a more colonial appearance, and as a result, a new distinctive look was created which then portrayed Him in royal robes with shoulder length hair, a beard and a halo.
This type of image began to dominate the world of art, and became very famous.

Based on all the evidence presented, it should be clear by now that Jesus’ disciples, relatives, prophets, teachers, and his associates like Mary of Magdalene were all Negroes.

Remember it was not until the Renaissance period, - when the people were in contact with Africa who brought an end to the Dark Ages, - that paintings of Jesus and Mary with an alabaster skin, blue eyes and blond hair began to surface.

However, many Black paintings and statues of Christ, Madonna, the Apostles and other Biblical characters still survive today from early Christian worship.

For example the most sacred and holy icons of the Catholic Church including the prominent cathedrals in Europe, are of The Black Madonna and Christ child.

Jesus on roman coin Jesus on roman coin Also in the British Museum there is a gold coin minted and engraved at the time of the Roman emperor Justinian II, showing the image of Yahshua on the left, with tightly curled, Woolly, Nappy, Kinky hair and Negro features, but on the reverse side of the coin shown on the right, there is an image of Justinian, depicting him with straight hair. Now how many white Christians in the world would remain Christians if they knew the whole truth about Jesus, that He was Negroid?

Like Christ, all the founders of world religions had Woolly, Kinky, Nappy hair according to the Bible, and in (Dan. 7:9) even God is described as having "hair like the pure wool."

The Energy which causes galaxies to spiral, planets and atoms to spin, including the spiral of DNA molecules, also causes spiralling hair, otherwise known as Woolly, Nappy, Kinky or Frizzy hair.

Egyptian with dread locks Blood spirals through the veins; plants spiral up from the soil; and Nappy hair spirals out from the hair roots. Straight-haired people also have a spiral on their heads which is visible as a coil pattern with its centre at the back of the head where the straight hair grows out slanting in a spiral's direction. Woolly haired people on the other hand have both the whorl or coil pattern, and the individually spiralling strands of coiled, spring-like, Nappy hair which is the choice of God, similar to the Egyptian with dread locks on the right.

As Black people awaken to true self-awareness and self-acceptance, that negative racist conditioning with respect to their natural spiralling, Nappy, Frizzy God-like hair which is referred to as "bad," as opposed to the straighter hair which is promoted as "good," will eventually cease.

So stop being ashamed of your Nappy hair which is like that of a sheep or a lamb. In the Song of Solomon chapter 4: 1, note this description “thou are fair, your lock of hair is like goat.” This means straight and wavy, and not like that of a sheep which is Woolly and Nappy. Also note Matthew 25:32-33 where Jesus said He “separates the sheep from the goats.” John 10:27: “My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.” Children are the image of their parents, so if the original man was BLACK and made in the IMAGE of God his Parent, how else could God be described other than as black.

Jesus 17_18th century from Ethiopia Black people usually say it doesn't matter what colour Jesus is because He came to save the world, so colour is unimportant, then why is it so difficult to remove all those distorted images of a white Christ and replace them with a likeness that resembles themselves. It mattered to the whites who believed it was beneath them to worship a Black deity even though they did so in the beginning without a problem. They eventually recreated all the images of the Black Christ to resemble their own race and skin colour, but black people are still so brainwashed, that they are afraid to worship their true God who created them in His own BLACK image. This image of Jesus is from Ethiopia.

Oriental deities resemble Orientals, Hindu deities resemble Hindus, Indian deities resemble Indians, European deities resemble Europeans, but it seems that the only race where the deities do not resemble themselves is the Black race. Sadly, the original man continues to worship a white saviour and even feels proud about it.

Before all of these facts were revealed to us again, before we had access to learning the ancient languages which was denied during slavery, before we were able to travel the world to see with our own eyes, Black people simply accepted a Caucasian Christ without question because they did not know any better. But now that non-black archaeologists have discovered the bones of Jesus’ family, Blacks can be grateful for these rediscovered facts.

The image of Jesus changes the visible image of the invisible God, as it says in Colossians 1:15. John 14:9 reads, And Jesus said, “he that hath seen me hath seen the father”. Genesis 1:27 and 5:2 says, “God created man in His image and after His likeness,” and John 1:14 says, “the word was made flesh,” which is Jesus or the word of God. By virtue of the fact that God said that Christ is the visible image, it means He can be seen with the physical eye through Jesus. You can see his body; and to say, “to see me is to see the father because the father dwells in me,” he’s talking about his physical appearance. John 10:30: “I and my father are one.” In Matthew 24:9, Jesus also said, “You will be hated by all nations for my sake.” Doesn’t everyone hate the Negro? However, we are the visible image of our invisible Heavenly Father and creator.

So the time has come when the corrupt portrayal of the Jews and Jesus Christ in movies such as, ''The Passion of Christ'', as with all movies that portray Jesus the Christ and the Jews as white people, must be exposed as false and misleading.

Black madonna Notre Dame France Black madonna Notre Dame France Black madonna Notre Dame France Black madonna Notre Dame France

These images are of The Black Madonna and Child or Black Mary and Jesus, as worshipped in France.

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