Black Chinese The original oriental people of China were Black and were known in historical literature by names such as Negro, Austroloid or Oceanean by the Europeans. The East Indians and Mongoloid groups had other names such as Dara, Yneh-chih, Yaksha, Suka, K'un-lun, Lushana and Seythians.

In Chinese documents there are reports of major kingdoms that were ruled by Blacks until around 1000-700 BC. The skeletal remains from Southern China are predominately Negroid. The people of that era practiced single burials which is an African ritual.

Africoid people from Kush in Africa began to enter China and Central Asia from Iran after 5000 BC, while other groups reached China by sea. This two-route migration of Blacks to China led to the development of the southern Chinese branches of Africoids called Yi and li-man Yueh and Man, and northern Chinese branches of Africoids called Kui-shuang (Kushana) or Yueh-chih. Blacks also lived in Turkestand, Mongolia, Transoxiana, the Ili region and Xinjiang Province, in addition to the Yueh Tribes along the north east coastal region.

The earliest occupants of Asia were said to be small Black pygmies who came to the region about 50,000 years ago. Chinese historians also described the Fou Nanese people of China as small and Black. The Ainus, Japan's oldest known inhabitants have traditions which tell of a race of dark dwarfs that inhabited Japan long before they did.

According to historian Cheikh Anta Diop the Ainus people originated in Egypt and are recorded to have made large migrations to the Asian continent taking thousands of years of African-Egyptian knowledge and influence with them.

This would explain the existence of man-made pyramids in China and Japan of which the Chinese have no idea as to how they got there, but it is believed that Africans of the Nile Valley were the builders. China's pyramids are located near Siang Fu city in the Shensi province. The pyramids in Japan built during the time of Mu, were made of stones not indigenous to Japan and are often mistaken for hills because of their eroded appearances.

The presence of pyramids anywhere in the world should be of great interest to Africentrists since the oldest and most advanced pyramids are known to have been built by African Blacks, so by now it should be crystal clear that Africa was not only the birthplace of the human race, but also of civilization, a fact that is often denied or played down by the European and white world.

The three major empires or first civilizations of China were the Xia Dynasty (c.2205-1766 B.C), the Shang/ Yin Dynasty (c.1700-1050 B.C) founded by the Yi tribe headed by the African-Mongolian King T'ang, or Ta, and the Zhou Dynasty which was the first dynasty founded by the Mongoloid people in China called Hua (Who-aa). The founders of Xia and Shang came from Africa via Iran.

According to Prof. Shun-sheng Ling, the earliest documented rulership of China known as the Xia and Shang dynasties, were ruled by emperors called Xuan Di, Black Emperors who introduced farming and writing to China, and under their leadership, trade cities and travel developed. Blacks in China were raising silkworms to make silk not later than 3500 BC.

The fundamental structures of a stylish calligraphy which is still present today was perfected by the Chinese under this Black dynasty, but in addition to writing, the Blacks of the Xia and Shang dynasties introduced bronze working to China and also invented the pounded earth architecture associated with early Chinese city-states.

Black Chinese 3 Furthermore, archaeology and forensic tests confirm that China's first two important dynasties, the Xia and the Shang/ Chang, were Black African, with an Australoid known as Madras Indian or Chamar in Trinidad present in small percentages. These Africans carried the art of fighting that was developed in the Horn of Africa into China, which is popularly known today as martial arts, namely Tai Chi, Kung fu, Judo and Tae Kwon Do. In other words, the martial arts originated in AFRICA, not Asia, and it was the Africans who discovered very early that the movements of animals could be used effectively to develop their fighting skills. Also, that "animal principles" could be isolated within the consciousness and manifested into an unconquerable fighting force. The oldest resources of kicking, throwing, wrestling, and punching techniques were found in Egypt. These warrior scientists laid the foundation for ALL martial arts systems.

Fu Hsi
The first Chinese emperor, the legendary
Fu-Hsi, Son of Heaven-2953-2838 B.C., was a woolly haired Black man who is said to have originated the oracle of the I Ching, or The Book of Change, which is the oldest most revered system of prophecy, and which is known to have influenced the most eminent philosophers of Chinese medicine and thought.

The culture hero Huang Di whose name was pronounced in old Chinese Yuhai Huandi or Hu Nak Kunte, is a direct link of Africa. He arrived in China from the west in 2282 BC and settled along the banks of the Loh River in Shanxi. This transliteration of Huandgi, to Hu Nak Kunte is of interest, seeing that Kunte is a common clan name among the Manding speakers. The Black Africans who founded civilization in China were often called Li Min "Black headed people" by the Zhou dynasts, which also has an affinity to the Sumero-Akkadian/Babylonian term Sag- Gig-Ga "Black headed people."

All ancient priesthood originated in Africa/Egypt and spread to the four corners of the world. All ancient priests were either initiated, attended, were mentored to, or were influenced by the ancient Egyptian Mystery System which later went to Babylon, Persia, India and so on. The Inca, Maya and Aztecs have chronicled the god-priests of Egypt as coming with gold-tipped spears and leopard skins.

Black Chinese The first people of India were Africans. The word India itself means Black. Yoga & other so-called Eastern teachings also originated in Africa. The Latin word India comes from the Greek word Indus (or Indos) which means Black. The earliest people of India were Black Africans, many of whom came from Ethiopia and are often referred to as Dravidians. These Africans founded the great Indus Valley Civilization around 3000 B.C. and brought with them many spiritual sciences that originated in Africa such as Yoga, Kundalini and Reflexology.

Being masters of urban planning and architecture, their homes and cities had running water, toilets, and an underground sewage system as evidenced at the Mohenjo Daro ruins (2000 B.C.).

It is also believed that the Ganges, which is the sacred river of India, was named after an Ethiopian king of that name who conquered Asia as far as this river. Buddha, Krishna, the great King Asoka and other great Black sages arose from their successive civilizations.

Two of the world's best known deities outside of the western world, are Buddha and Krishna, both of whom were born in India and are of Ethiopian (African) descent. In this part of the world little is mentioned of the fact that India was once a part of the Ethiopian Empire, but this is further verified in the Ethiopian sacred text called The Kebra Negast, which considered West India as a part of the Ethiopian or Cushite Empire.

Ancient Chinese medicine dates back to the Shang Dynasty founded by the African King T'ang, around 1500-1000 B.C. The Shang or Chiang and the Chou dynasties were credited with bringing together the elements of Chinese medical theory. The Shang was given the name of Nakhi. Na means Black, Khi means man.

Black Chinese 4 Many of the great concepts of Chinese medical science which were compiled during the Shang period were later developed during the Han Dynasty (168 B.C. to 8 A.D.). The Han began to fuse Shang medical concepts with outlooks from the philosophical ideas of Confucius (551-479 B.C.). Toward that end, they generated a scheme which explained all phenomena in relation to the whole, and under this system, all natural phenomena including the human body and the organs were organized within the system of "Yin" and "Yang" and the "five elements", or what is also known as the five phases theory.

Chinese medicine echoes the logic of the Ancient Egyptians who viewed the universe as process-oriented in which there are no boundaries between rest and motion, time and space, mind and matter, sickness and health. The Chinese looked at reality as a unified field or an interwoven pattern of inseparable links in a circular chain called the Tao, from which flowed all things and events in nature such as the seasons, colour, sound, organs, tissue, emotion, climate, matter and energy.

When something surfaces into a realm that cannot be linked back to Europe, scientists will usually come up with a statement such as, "We have our team of experts working on that." Herein lies the carefully constructed hitch where everything documented in history is measured to and from Europe.

In biblical times, Africa included much of what European maps call the Middle East, but it was the European mapmakers who determined that regions on the top of Africa should be divided according to distances from Europe such as the Near East, Middle East and Far East. If you can recall, the name Africa is of Latin origin and was imposed on the great continent by European explorers.

A replica of an ancient Chinese map that included a recognizable outline of Africa was unveiled in South Africa's Parliament in November 2002. The Amalgamated Map of the Great Ming Empire (Da Ming Hun Yi Tu) which dates back to 1389, was made decades before the first European voyages to Africa. Herein lies another hitch. European scientists present at the unveiling of the map stood with egg in the face because they could not explain how the Chinese had a map that was dated decades before the Europeans sailed BACK to Africa.


© John Moore - Barbados, W.I. May 2005) ©. All rights reserved.

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