Party Information

Documentation of the Development Process.

My process started with designing the layout of my home page. Once this was completed, I duplicated the home page and made the necessary changes to fit the About, Events, Photo’s, Contact, and Location page. This consisted of changing the page title header, remove the content located in the “#secondary” or body of the page, and remove the cerebral palsy ribbon from the nav section. This way all pages were consistent, and I feel focused more on the individual content provided.

Defense of the Final Product.

I chose the colors based on cerebral palsy awareness and my son’s favorite colors. I will have to admit; my son Brandon helped with the design and look of the web site. I used his input because Brandon is the audience that I am trying to reach with this site. I know the site is more on the kid design, but this is the style he felt look better.

Opportunities for Improvement and Growth.

I would like to get the “Party Information” page to show the current available opening for parties. I would also like this page to accept reservation request, payment, and automatically remove the time slot from the sight. But for now, it is where I am placing the responses for the assignment.