This page will serve as a home base for research on
families from Herzog, Russia.
Gives the names of the original settlers of Herzog along with a list of people who left Russia for America
List of Surnames for the village of Herzog.
Includes a database of dates, etc. for the early settlers of Herzog, Russia. Because I continually receive new information, these pages may not be up-to-date and may contain errors.
Other Village Webpages and Russian Surname Charts
Check out other German-Russian village web pages or see if your family name has already been searched for in Russia by one of the researchers. The list is growing daily!!
Herzog Query Page.
Post your query and read past queries.
Herzog Photo Page.
Thanks to Roger Toepfer we have a few pictures on-line from Herzog!
Volga German Village Page.
Lots of information about the villages along the Volga River in Russia.
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia.
For more information on the Germans from Russia in general.
Germans from Russia Heritage Collection.
Link to more Germans from Russia information in North Dakota.
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