Links to other village web pages,

Ancestry searches and Pleve charts

Many people have begun to create web pages for there Russian Villages. Below is a list of the web addresses that I have. If you would like to see your village page added to my list, e-mail me with your URL and I will add it.

Fischer Roger Toepfer - webmeister

Kamenka Rosemary Larson - Coordinator = Peter Schmidt - Webmeister

Katharinenstadt Roger Toepfer - webmeister

Leichtling Darryl Boyd - webmeister

Marienthal Tony Leiker - webmeister

Obermunjor Kevin Rupp - webmeister

People have also begun contacting either Dr. Igor Pleve or Vlad Soshnikov to have their family lines traced in Russia. I would like to gather a list of surnames that have been searched. This will cut down on duplicated searches and allow more people to share what research has been done. The decisions as to whether a fee will be charged to use information is left up to the person(s) who purchased the original search.

Below is a list of Surnames that have been searched and the person whom you need to contact.

Befort Kevin Rupp

Boes Kevin Rupp


Braun Roger Toepfer

Brull Kevin Rupp

Brungardt Brian Kinderknecht

Dechant Tony Leiker

Desch Kevin Rupp

Dinkel Jerry Braun

Dreiling Jerry Braun

Enslinger Tony Leiker

Faller Jerry Braun

Fisher Kevin Rupp

Gaus Roger Toepfer

Geist Jerry Braun

Graf Kevin Rupp

Karlin Roger Toepfer

Koerner Kevin Rupp

Kreutzer Tony Leiker

Kuhn Sean McGinnis or Jerry Braun

Leiker Tony Leiker

Matz Jerry Braun

Mueller Tony Leiker

Quint Kevin Rupp

Riedel Jerry Braun

Rome Sean McGinnis

Rupp Kevin Rupp

Scheck Jerry Braun

Schmidt Jerry Braun

Schmidtberger Jerry Braun

Schueler Jerry Braun


Staab Jerry Braun

Storm Jerry Braun

Toepfer Roger Toepfer

VonFeldt Jerry Braun

Weber Tony Leiker

Weltz Roger Toepfer

Windholz Jerry Braun

Wittman Jerry Braun

Wolf Kevin Rupp

Peter Klaus 1834 Frank Jacobs

Peter Wittman 1841

Below is a list of Surnames I would like to search for. If you would also be interested in any of these names, please contact me.

Eckart (Herzog?),
Rohleder (Rohleder).

If you are interested in these surnames contact Frank Jacobs.

Jacobs, Urban, or Stegman.

� 1997 [email protected]

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