Bible Study 3

Contents of the Books of the Bible Continued

The Church - its Organization Independent of every other congregation Self governing under Christ, The Heavenly Bishop Acts14:23; 1 Peter 5:4; 2:25; Phil. 1:1 With bishops who feed, tend, oversee and rule the flock among them. Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Peter 5:4; 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Heb. 13:17 With deacons to serve 1 Tim. 3:8-13 With members who minister in word and deed 1 Cor. 12:24-27

Books of the New Testament

Matthew - written by Matthew Tells of the Life of Christ. Mark - written by Mark Tells of the Life of Christ Luke - written by Luke Tells of the Life of Christ. Matthew, Mark and Luke are called the Synoptic Gospels because they are so much alike. John - written by John Tells of the Life of Christ. However, John tells of things the others do not tell. Acts of the Apostles - written by Luke This is a book of conversions and tells how the people were converted to become
Christians or member of the Church. It is the early church history. Romans - written by Paul This is perhaps the most profound book of the new Testament. 1 Corinthians - written by Paul This book treats on the various disorders in the church at Corinth. 2 Corinthians - written by Paul This book reveals the sorrows and the great persecutions Paul went through in his
preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles. This book reveals the effects of his first letter on the church at Corinth. Galatians - written by Paul Paul in this book teaches that we are not justified by the law of Moses but by
obedient faith. Ephesians - written by Paul The Ephesian letter deals with the church as the eternal purpose of God. Phillipians - written by Paul The letter is a warm commendation of the church at Philippi. Colossians - written by Paul This letter is similar to the Ephesian letter and is of strong exhortations to Christians. 1 Thessalonians - written by Paul This letter is an exhortation to endure persecution. 2 Thessalonians - written by Paul This letter deals with the fate of the wicked. It gives the instructions on how to deal with disorderly brethren. 1 Timothy - written by Paul It has instruction for Evangelists It tells how to qualify Elders and Deacons. It gives the duties of Elders and Deacons. 2 Timothy.- written by Paul This is the last letter written by Paul He gives final exhortations He predicts a great apostasy. Titus - written by Paul This book instructs the Evangelist Titus in his duties. It gives instructions concerning qualifications of Elders. Philemon - written by Paul A letter to Philemon and the church which was in his house expressing Paul�s
affection for Philemon and an appeal on behalf of Onesimus, a former slave of
Philemon. Hebrews - thought by many to have been written by Paul because of content and style. The writer purposes to convince the Jews Christ is superior to the angels, to
Moses and to Aaron. Christ is the Messiah now speaking to them from Heaven. Cites the faithful through the ages and their reward. James - thought to be written by James the son of Zebedee Addresses the dispersal of the twelve tribes and admonishes them to rejoice under
the Cross of Christ. Defines pure religion. Establishes that faith without works is dead. 1 Peter - written by Peter To the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and
Bithynia. Admonitions and instruction to Christians. 2 Peter - written by Peter An open letter to Christians describing virtues and admonitions for them. 1 John - written by John The testimony of the apostle concerning Christ and the forgiveness of sin through
the shedding of His blood. An expression of love for Christ, of Christ for man and an admonition for man to
show love to man. 2 John - written by John To the elect lady and her children expressing mercy, grace, peace and love. Love one another. 3 John - written by John An epistle to Gaius whom he loved in truth. Jude - written by Jude An exhortation to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. Revelation - written by John Written from the Isle of Patmos as inspired by Christ concerning things past and
things to come.

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