Bible Study 2

Books of the Old Testament

What is Contained in Each Book

Contents of the Books of the Bible
Genesis - written by Moses.
		The Creation
		The wickedness of man.
		The flood.
		The resettling of the family of Noah after the flood.
		The story of Abraham.
		The promises God made to Abraham.
		The life of Isaac.
		The life of Jacob and his 12 sons.
		The story of Joseph.
		This book covers nearly 2500 years of time.
		The descent of the sons of Jacob into Egypt.
Exodus - written by Moses
		This book tells of the slavery and bondage of the children of Israel in Egypt.
		The call of Moses.
		The Passover.
		The deliverance of Israel across the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai.
Leviticus - written by Moses
	This book is filled with God�s Law to the Jews regulating their sacrifices and
purification. Numbers - written by Moses This book tells of the journeys and wanderings of the children of Israel for forty
years after they left Mt. Sinai until they came to the east bank of the Jordan River. It tells of the sending out of the spies. The rebellion of Korah. The death of Miriam the sister of Moses The death of Aaron. Moses bringing water out of a rock. About Baalam. Deuteronomy - written by Moses Deuteronomy means -the second law or the law told again. The book is made up of three sermons by Moses. The first sermon recounts the history of Israel. The second sermon discusses the cities of refuge and repetition of the law. The third sermon was prophetical and tells of what good things would happen if
they obeyed and what terrible things would happen to them if they disobeyed. The choosing of Joshua as leader of Israel. The death of Moses. Joshua - written by Joshua This book tells of the crossing of the Jordan River. The conquest of Caanan. The farewell address of Joshua. Judges - written by Samuel This book tells of the apostasies of Israel. The raising up of rulers (judges) to deliver them from their enemies. Ruth - written by Ezra The beautiful story of Ruth took place during the reign of the judges. 1 Samuel - written by Samuel This book tells of the wickedness of the people under the Judges and the cry of the
people for a king. It gives the history of Saul the first King of Israel. It tells of the anointing of David the second king. 2 Samuel - written by Samuel This book tells of the reign of David. 1 Kings - written by Ezra This book tells of the reign of Solomon. The division of the Kingdom. The story of Elijah. 2 Kings - written by Ezra The death of Elijah The life of Elisha The history of some of the kings The capture of the ten tribes by Assyria The capture of Judah by the king of Babylon 1 Chronicles - written by Ezra The reign of David 2 Chronicles - written by Ezra The reign and death of Solomon. The reign of the Kings of Judah. Ezra - written by Ezra This book tells of the return of the Jews from captivity. Nehemiah - written by Nehemiah This book tells of the return of the Jewish captives. Esther - written by Ezra This book tells how Esther became queen during the Babylonian captivity. Job - written by Job The story of a righteous man who probably lived in the days of Abraham. Psalms - written by David A collection of Jewish songs used in their services. They were songs of praise, history, prophecy and thanksgiving. Proverbs - written by Solomon A book composed of wise sayings of practical truth. Ecclesiastes - written by Solomon This book is a sermon and sets forth that life is empty and vain with out obedience
to God. Song of Solomon - written by Solomon A song by Solomon thought to be concerning his relationship with the daughter of
the Pharaoh of Egypt. Isiah - written by Isiah A prophet of God raised up during the period while Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and
Hezekiah were kings, to warn the people of their wickedness and urged their
return to God. Jeremiah - written by Jeremiah Another prophet of God that he raise up during the kingship of Josiah, Jehoiakim
and Zedekiah to warn the Jews of their impending disaster unless they repented. Lamentations - written by Jeremiah A weeping prophecy of Jeremiah over the awful wickedness of the Jewish people Ezekiel - written by Ezekiel A prophet who was carried away into captivity with the Jews. He employs a great
many strange symbols and signs which are hard to understand. He predicted the
restoration of the Jews. Daniel - written by Daniel This book tells of the life of Daniel and his companions in captivity. His book tells
how God was able to make himself known to the heathen kings through some
miraculous experiences of Daniel and his companions. He predicted the destiny of
Israel and also fortold the coming of the Christian Dispensation. Hosea - written by Hosea His words were uttered during the reign of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah.
and pictured the awful wickedness of people with a call to repentance. Joel - written by Joel Little is known of the history of Joel. He foretold the doom of Israel and predicted the Gospel Age. Amos - written by Amos He spoke during the reign of Uzziah, Jereboam, and Joash and reproved Israel for
heir wickedness. Obadiah - written by Obadiah There is no information on who Obadiah was, where he came from or who his
parents were. He pronounces the denunciation of Edom and its eventual
overthrow by the Jews. Jonah - written by Jonah The story of Jonah, sent to preach to the Ninevites His disobedience and punishment by being swallowed by a great fish. His preaching to the city and their repentance. Micah - written by Micah This prophet lived during the days of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. He predicted the downfall of Samaria and Jerusalem. He rebukes the people sharply for their sins. He predicted the restoration of the people and predicted the birth place of Jesus. Nahum - written by Nahum He uttered against Ninevah Habakkuk - written by Habakkuk Tells of the Jews and their wickedness and foretells the Captivity. Zephaniah - written by Zephaniah He prophesied dureing the reign of Josiah He denounced Jerusalem for its sins. He foretold the captivity and deliverance. Haggi - written by Haggi This prophet spoke in captivity, and foretold the rebuilding of the temple. Zechariah - written by Zechariah He prophesied during the captivity and exhorted the people not to be as their
Fathers were. Malachi - written by Malachi He rebukes the priests for corrupting the sacrifices and foretold the coming of
Christ. He also foretold the coming of John the Baptist.

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