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To The Simpsons Tree, Dude!

This page is still under construction. However, these are the quotes for now:

"I mean, throwing rocks at a statue is one thing, but I'd never cut the head off a guy who iced a bear with his bare hands."

"Hey, Simpson, wanna trade belts?"

"Is this legal man?"

"Way to go Springfield!!!"

Four-finger discount, Dude!

"Wow! March 8th newspaper!"

"Videotaping this crimespree is the best idea we ever had!"

"Um, Good Evening (ahem), young man. My name is Charles Norwood. Furthermore to this beer, I'll would also like three of your finest cheapest cigars. Here's my ID which confirms my adultivity."

"(yawn) I'm sleepy, let's go to school."

"Nah you'll be fine. My divorce is tough on my kid but he got over it."

"I'm here about the nanny job... I'll keep a watchful eye on your kids and if they get out of line, POW!"

"Those tall ships really lifted the nation's spirits after Watergate."

"Hey!! You're ruining it for the rest of us!"

"He makes me want to know more about our founding fathers."



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