In 1995 Mr. T. Hangshing took on the monumental task of a translation and transliteration of the Siddur. This effort is meant for the Bnei Menashe that have not learned to read or understand Hebrew yet.

Below is the preface to the Siddur.

The preface from the Siddur:

How fortunate I am to be publisher of this highly essential Judaism Siddur the first of its kind. For use of the Menashe Jewish Communities in North Eastern India and Myanmar, as entrusted to me by the Standing Committee of the Sevet Menashe, Manipur. However, due to my ignorance of Hebrew and Holy Scripture, I could not help making mistakes in transliteration and translation apart from printing mistakes for which I pray for forgiveness of Almighty Hashem and also of Jewish people.

The Hebrew text is translated into the Thadou/Kuki dialect which is more widely understood and spoken amongst the Menashe Tribe in North Eastern India and Myanmar. A gist of each paragraph of Hebrew text is given in a box on the left side of the Hebrew text to enable the reader to have at least some idea of what he/she is reading about. Any suggestion for further improvement of this prayer Book is solicited.

May Almighty Hashem grant understanding, wisdom and mercy to all those who use this Siddur sincerely and regularly. May Almighty Hashem, who creates peace in heaven, create peace for us and for All Israel. Amen, Amen

T. Hangshing

Shema in Thadou/Kuki from the Bnei Menashe Siddur
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