0304 - Questions ???

This site is preparing to write a review on '0304'. But not being familiar with the exact meaning of the lyrics, it would be unfair to praise/criticize the album. Perhaps the visitors can help out here.

Fragile Heart - Jewel Kilcher:

"Well, all the fishes in the sea, could not be happier than me."

Here are my questions:

1. How happy is the average tuna ?
2. Is it presumed that all the fishes in the sea are happy at any given moment ?
3. Is Jewel happier than each and every individual fish ?
4. Or, is Jewel boldly claiming she's happier than the combined total of all the fishes in the sea ?
5. Maybe, in fact, Jewel is not happy. Is it just that fish lead more miserable lives still ?
6. An ego problem perhaps ? Jewel can't live with the reality that a particular fish might be happier than she ?
7. Is it a line left over from, 'A Night Without Armor' ?

A prompt reponse would be much appreciated so work can continue on this page.

The Rebecca Factor

Nine year old Rebecca from New Zealand, kindly wishing to help, emailed saying she had never seen her pet goldfish (Albert) laugh nor cry. Unwittingly, little Rebecca only served to further complicate the dilema. Jewel never stated she meant all fishes, just fishes in the sea. Do we therefore assume, like little Rebecca, that Jewel was including pet fish like hers, and indeed, river dwelling fish also?

Now, this troubles me... given that all the fishes on the planet are included:

How could Jewel possibly know how happy Albert is when Rebecca herself has no idea ???

Thanks and don't worry, Rebecca, the Intrepid Prez will get to the bottom of all this.


    Click Here:   Has Wiggly Tooth solved the dilema ?    

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