Pictures from the show
Shalimar Fox is played by Victoria Pratt:

The sexy model/ bodybuilder/ actress Vicky Pratt  plays Shalimar Fox who is in her mid 20s her mutant X power is a feral.  She plays a  stunning, and sensual beauty utterly in touch with her primal self. She has both human and animal DNA. Shalimar has the strenght, speed , and cunning of the animal kingdom . She Walks the line between human and feral,Shamlimar is a little on the wild side and completely unpredictable. She can very protected when it comes to the people she loves. She is not easy tamed, and you wouldnt want to get in a fight with her cause she cant kick your butt.She is also very loyal to her teammates, and would do anything to help or save them.
Shalimar has other anaimal traits like she fears fire just like any other anaimal.She also has cool catlike eyes when shes mad. When Vicky acted in Cleopatra 2525 she said that she had built up for the part as Sarge.
Most of the Graphics and pictures are from the  Official site Mutant X  Copyright 2001, Tribune Enterainment Co. Click on the link For more info on Vicky check out the Mutant X website so check it out just dont sit their do it. A lot of the Graphics on this site are made by me Jessica.J. And Not to be Copyed by or added on to someone elses site.
This is a hole new series, it something newer then whats  really on tv! The show is about a team of human mutants  who follow Adam who is one of the creatorers of Genomex who helped make  the Mutants, together they fight agaist the GSA who are out to get them. The mutants possess extraordinary powers as a result of genetic engineering. Like hundreds of other unsusperting subjects, these new mutants were altered in secret experiments conducted in a covert government projects. In a way The GSA was playing God! Once Realizing that the events have spun out of control, the organization that created them are now hunting them down in an urgent "product recall", Mutant Xs mission is to seek out their fellow new mutants to help them come to terms with their astonishing abilitie and protect them from the GSA.
SomeText from the Mutant X site!
Thorns Mutant X Site
Mutant X Sanetuary
A unlikely team comes together in a fight to fight for good in a endless battle to save others like them with there unque powers given to them by the GSA.
Episode List
Victoria Pratt
Victor Webster
Forbes March
Lauren Smith
John Shea
More Pictures
A lot of the new mutants must stay underground , were there away from the GSA. But the GSA does have new mutants in their grasp, were they do nothing but contain them and experament on them. BUt with all the effered they havnt won yet thanks to Mutant X , many new mutants are free and many more they need to find!
The mutants that work with the GSA are undercover agents and if they fauil there mission they get punished and some mutants are  never seen again!
The Cast Of Mutant X:
John Shea as Adam
Victoria Pratt as Shalimar Fox
Forbes March As Jesse Kilmartin
Lauren Lee Smith as Emma deLauro
Victor Webster as Brennan Mulwray
Tom McCamus as Mason Eckhart
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