Jessica Bedow


As long as I can remember, art has always been there. I can not remember a time when I was not doing art. This is an area for me to showcase my ablities and accomplishments. I really hope that through this project I will be able to design a website that makes me want to keep it afterwards. This is what I am going for and what I want to accomplish. Now if I could only get the image placeholder to work the way I want it to and not just use a big cirle then I would be happy....but my logo just disappeared so I should find out where i just moved that to as well... Time to play hide and seek with the code!!

This is how to stalk me

Email : [email protected]

Website :

Phone : (573)690-9298

Vienna, MO :

This is how I'm doing in life

Owner & Sinplicity Designs

Position / Date - Year

Seeing as I have been a "stay-at-home-mother" for the last 7 years or so I have had plenty of time to invest myself into many endevors. This includes many different art themed services that I provide. For the most part my photography and multimedia arts have been my main focus as any focus is hard to do with six children. Most of my skills have came from trial and error, learning from others, and digging up information as I need. I know there is more that I want to put into here but right now I have to figure out how to get my home page to referance this page for about. I'll fix this later


Working on Bachelor's/ Date - Year

My time spent at SNHU had given me a lot of knowledge about graphic design, the priciples behind it and the tool to achieve the creation of many differnt projects. My spelling and ablitiy to put together a full resume are not on that list as I am playing catch up due to issues I had coding this thing, well, the CSS sheet got me... turns out I had the show set box checked and spent a week an a half knowing there were options I should have but didn't and was not sure of what they were or where to find them as it has been a good year and a half since I did anything with coding. BUT I DID IT!!