Sh'mis and Erdrath


Walking past the weyr, you are greeted by a very friendly blue fire-lizard, followed by a gigantic brown head emerging from the darkness inside. Startled, you don't quite know what to do until a young man emerges from behind the dragon.

  Brown Erdrath

blue Goret, and brown Erdrath

"Sorry if Goret and Erdrath startled you," he says. "We were just about to go out."

"Then I won't keep you," you reply.

"Erdrath needs to hunt, and Goret's going along for the free meal. I am headed to get some food myself if you'd like to walk with me?" he asks.

Delighted with the prospect, you both watch as the graceful creatures glide towards the far side of the Weyr before beginning your walk. "I'm afraid I don't remember your name," you admit a bit embarrasssed.

"Sh'mis. And you'll have to refresh my memory of yours?" You give him your name.

"Do you know what sounds good?" Sh'mis asks while you shake your head no. "Pie. Pie sounds absolutely marvelous. Do you like pie?"

"Well, yes, most everyone likes pie," you admit.

"Then it's settled," he concluded. "All we need to do is find Minairy. She's the best pie maker on Pern. Come on!" Sh'mis takes off running towards Lower Caverns and you decide to follow.

Read more about Sh'mis and Erdrath
in the
Records Room

Dragon Name: Erdrath
Dragon Color: Brown
Impressed by: Sh'mis
Dragon's Age: Weyrling
Dragon's Dam: Gold Keleth
Dragon's Sir: Bronze Falanth

Erdrath is from Glass Island Weyr

Goret is from Jerdan Weyr

Flax is from Naronis Weyr

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