E'dan and Toranoth
bronze Toranoth

Toranoth was in the sun on the ledge of his weyr. E'dan was standing next to him. They were looking down towards the tithing train that had just entered the Weyr bowl. His dark blonde hair was blowing gently in the wind.

"So what are you waiting for this time?" you ask them. E'dan and Toranoth were known for scouting out the tithing train days in advance. Toranoth always had a few herdbeast he picked out, and E'dan always enjoyed any new device or part that came from the Smithcraft Hall.

His green eyes sparkling, E'dan reveals, "Toranoth's been wanting to hunt for 2 days now, but ever since he saw the train, he insists on waiting."

You are about to ask what E'dan hopes to see from the tithe, when he appears to be communicating to Toranoth.

"Toranoth says there are three plump herdbeasts that look good. He also sees some of the parts I need to make explosives."

The word explosives draws your eye immediately to his crippled and scarred left hand. "You're still making explosives after what happened?"

Instantly sober, he absently rubs the scar as he says, "This was an accident. It can't be changed."

Another long interchange between dragon and rider leaves you about to turn to go.

"You'll have to excuse Toranoth. He likes to talk constantly. He'll never say a word to another human, but to me or any other dragon, it's ongoing."

"So what does he say this time?" you can't help but ask as you hold back a grin.

"The herds are now assembled and he wants to beat Qwicath to the kill."

Read more about E'dan and Toranoth
in the
Records Room

Dragon Name: Toranoth
Dragon Color: Bronze
Impressed by: E'dan
Dragon's Age: Adult
Dragon's Dam: Gold Azeraelith
Dragon's Sir: Bronze Calarinath

Toranoth is from South Seas Weyr

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