Br'man and Risth

The blue dragon - almost full grown now - was fast asleep on his couch near the front of the small weyr at the top of a long flight of stairs. Inside, sitting cross-legged on the ground was his rider, Br'man. Taking advantage of his time, the bluerider was dutifully checking his flying straps when Bronzerider D'nerek entered the weyr.

"Br'man, do you have a minute?" D'nerek asked.

"What can I do for you Bronzerider?" replied Br'man.

"Oh, nothing much, it's just that I think you and Risth are ready to join my wing..." he let the sentence trail off as his mouth widened into a broad grin.

Surprise, and then excitement appeared on Br'man's face. "Man, that's great!"

"You're not bothered that half the wing riders are female?" D'nerek probbed.

"Shells, no!" Br'man exclaimed, "female riders aren't as reckless as us men, and they tend to pay attention better."

A brown fire-lizard joined the two riders chattering eagerly for Br'man to accept the message tube. "Excuse me, D'nerek, I've been expecting this," Br'man said as he turned to read the note.

While Br'man read, D'nerek watched the bluerider's face reflect relief and excitement.

brown Astar

Turning back to D'nerek, Br'man revealed, "My sister just gave birth to a healthy baby boy. I'm an uncle!"

"Another thing to be congratulated for! Why don't you get on over to see your new nephew and then join the wing for practice this afternoon?"

"It's a deal. Now if I can just wake Risth?..."


Blue Risth



Read more about Br'man, Risth, and Aster
in the Records Room

Dragon Name: Risth
Dragon Color: Blue
Impressed by: Br'man
Dragon's Age: Adult
Dragon's Dam: Green Jacith
Dragon's Sir: Brown Cedrith

Risth is from Dragon Mount

Aster is from Jerdan Weyr

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