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I am sorry. Looks like I still haven't got this linking sorted out. If you want to visit the WRENS or FRIENDS pages I'm afraid you'll have to go to the links page first.

Welcome to my Homepage.  Its a pleasure to see so many ex-service websites that are now in  operation,. It's probably true that we remember more of  what  we did as sprogs than what we did last week, and we want to hang on to those memories as long as we can.  

So many people passed through our lives. As I went from one draft to another it never occurred to me that I might never see those people who had been my workmates and companions ever again. My first draft to HMS Pembroke, the Mob and SC Offices, volunteering for the White City Tattoo and Remembrance Day, having to learn how to march up and down stairs because we were going to the Albert Hall.. And those wonderful Chelsea Pensioners.

 I don't remember now, how many people were in each mess at East Camp. Lots of laughter. Nights onboard when we did each others hair, nails and facials!  I do know that after 2 years I still didn't know everybody.

 Then to HMS President where I had to get the tube to work every day.  An office where I was the only Wren.  I hated it and was so glad to be drafted to HMS Victory after only a few months.

  I must admit Duchess of Kent barracks had to be the coldest place to live. Hot water bottles and overcoats on the bed in winter!!! The Navy Days Office was interesting. Mainly because my boss wore so many hats!!  Entertainment Officer,  Fire Officer,  Passive Defense Officer and Navy Days Officer.  Now that was fun!! With an office on HMS VICTORY over Navy Days.  I remember being on there the day HMS BULWARK headed out to the Suez conflict. No crowds of people then. I wonder how many other people watched and wondered what was going to happen?

Does anyone remember "Hansel and Gretel" in 1956???

We never had much money but we managed. Whisky on pay week and BabyCham on  blank!! Lots of fun at the NAAFI clubs in both Gillingham and Portsmouth.  Pity they are not there any more.

It took many years for me to hear about the Association of Wrens.  Mainly because my husband and I emigrated to Canada back in 1966. It's only eight pounds a year for membership and we get three beautiful magazines a year.(Check the Links page).   I've only managed to get back for one reunion, so far!!  Unfortunately, I didn't come across anyone that I'd known in the WRNS but had some fun with my Internet friends. We still "get together" on the "net". If anyone would like to join us, drop me a line. 

There are quite a few names on the Wrens list.  I hope you find someone you used to know.  If you would like old friends to find you why don't you send me your info, maiden name (and married name) date of joining, official number and places that you served.  Also any particular friends you'd like to hear from.  You may also find someone you knew on the Friends page.  Its always worth a try. Good luck Mail to:[email protected]

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