Java allows you to:

 play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3d,just to name a few. It's also integral to the intranet applications and other e-business solutions that are the foundation of corporate computing.

Java 7 Update 10(7u10) and newer versions now include a feature that will notify the user when the version of Java being used is out of date or has known security vulnerabilities and an updated version that fixes those vulnerabilities is available for download.
When you encounter a page that includes a Java application and your version of Java is considered out of date the Java Update Needed message will be shown. We recommended that you click Update to open the java.com download page to get the latest version of Java. If you choose to click Block the Java plug-in will be disabled in the browser and Java applications can not be run in the browser until the Java is update is completed.
If you are unable to complete the installation of Java, you may encounter an issue, getting directed to java.com when visiting a page with a Java application
Update- Selecting this option will open the web browser to java.com to get the latest Java.
Block-If you select this option, the Java plug-in will be blocked in the browser until you update to the latest version of Java.
Later-By selecting this option, the Java plug-in will continue to load . The security settings will dictate if the application will be allowed to run.

Do not ask again-
If this check box is selected, the Java Update Needed message will not be displayed again until the next releases available. Java updates are made available throughout the year. At  a minimum, security updates are released 4 times a year. Non-security releases are made available additionally as necessary.
Message formatting varies based on operating system
Windows 7, Windows Vista,  Windows 8, Windows XP

Why am I always redirected to java.com when visiting a page with Java application?

The continual redirection to java.com was known issue affecting Java versions 7u25 and older. This issue is fixed as 7u40 release a Java.. Ina
When signing a JAR file, time stamping the signature is recommended. A warning is shown if the signature is not time stamped.
The Type Inference section in the Generic trail ha s been updated with the section Target Types, which describes how the Java compiler takes advantage of target  typing to infer the type parameters of a generic method.
 invocation in JDK8
You can obtain the names of the formal parameters of any method or constructor in JDK 8 with the method java.lang.reflect.Executable.getParameters.
The Interfaces and Inheritance trail has been enhanced with information about default methods in JDK 8, which are methods in an interface that have an implementatio
n. In addition, you can define static methods in interface.