Jeffro's Woodworking Projects
Welcome to my wood crafts site. Get ideas if you like to work on wood projects. Or
E-mail me if you see something you'd like me to make for you. I've been woodworking since middle school and enjoy it as a hobby mainly. I get alot of ideas from catalogs and magazines, so if you've seen something in a catalog or magazine that you liked send me a picture and I'll see what I can do with it. So enjoy for now, I'll have more later.
I made these for Christmas presents. They're racks made from white pine, and are stained with natural finish, then polyurethaned. The smaller one is for cd's, and the larger for videocassets. How do you like the duct tape wrapping job? (bottom right) Click for a better image.
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This jewelery box is made of cedar and each panel was stained prior to assembly to give it the pronounced box joints. The white strips around the rim and inside around the base are just some pine window-screen strips. All the hardware is brass. I left the inside unfinished to preserve the cedar smell.
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My friend, Buddy, came up with this idea. It's an old fuse box that I stripped and repainted. The back is made of hardboard, and the shelves are Natural-stained cedar. This was a first attempt, and if I make anymore they'll have cedar sides, tops, and bottoms. By the way, I apologize for the picture quality, and the cut-off tops. I'm not so good with my girlfriend's camera.
This is a wall hutch that I made for my girlfriend and gave it to her last Christmas. It is made of white pine with a natural stain. I used a butane torch to burn the peices before assembly. After the wood was blackened, I sanded with a medium grit, assembled the hutch and finished it. It features a half-width shelf on top, 2 removable drawers, and 4 hat pegs.
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This Picture frame is made from White pine and stained American 400, then polyurethaned. It holds 5X7  pictures behind plexiglass windows. Of course, glass would work too.
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Click here to check out other Fabrications
Click here to check out other Sub Boxes
I restored this cedar chest and have some images of the restoration on my cedarchest page.
I also restored this antique trunk. You can see the process on my trunk page.
I make custom audio fabrications as well. Sub / speaker boxes, custom panels, baffle boards, etc. Visit my fab page.
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Click here to see the restoration photos.
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Sept 20, 02
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