Open letter to Mr. Sheldon Silver, Speaker of the New York State Assambly
Christopher Skotnicki
Polish-Belgian Assoc. Brussels
polish version


It is with deep regret that we hear of the actions, that are undertaken, to try to missinform the public opinion about the issue of any debt that Poland as a nation is due to the Jewish population. Whoever looks carefully will see that there is an international effort by the Jewish community directed against Poland and against the Polish nation. We can give you numerous examples of that from USA, Australia, Belgium, South America, Great Britain, and so on and so on.

Sir, looking back into the history, how many lives of the Polish people were lost because of the collaboration of Jews either with the German or Russian occupant. If one starts making counts, who knows who was more immoral - the Germans, Russians or maybe the Jews who were collaborating with the occupant. How many Poles were sent to Siberia just because they were denounced by some Jews - they count in thousands. Up to this very day the issue of concentration camps organises by Morel brothers in Poland is not resolved and the State of Israel refuses to pass these criminals to Poland.

We, the Polish community, are shocked by this outrageous anti-polish actions that are massively being taken by the Jewish community trying to missinform the international opinion about the historical facts and trying to pass the responsibility onto the Polish nation. It seems as if "old" Jewish-American community (from before the II World War) is trying to wash away its own blame for the holocaust. When in 1942-3 Polish and Jewish courriers were sent to the US informing of the horrors being fabricated in the concentration camps - nobody believed them, the Jewish-Americans including. How can one blame Polish nation and try to make them responsible for things they have not performed.

We therefore, oppose any action that is being undertaken and which has a clear anti-polish background. We urge you to stop these actions which falsify the historical facts and historical responsibilities.

At the same time we strongly appeal to the Polish authorities to intervene in this outrageous matter and put a stop to these kind of non-senses.

P.S. Note of explanation to the readers. On March 22, 2001 in New Your there is a scheduled hearing on the Polish Property Restitution organised by the Jewish community. Official note from the Jewish organisers on the hearings:

"Sheldon Silver is the Speaker of the New York State Assembly. The hearings are meant to educate him and other members of the Assembly about the wrongs committed against Jewish Poles after WWII, the refusal of the Polish Government to face up to its responsibilities, and the impact of that refusal on New Yorkers and others. Our goal is to impress upon the Legislators the importance of these issues so that the State of New York will help convince the Polish Government to adequately compensate Holocaust survivors and their heirs for the theft of Jewish-owned property after WWII. Your attendance is crucial." - I leave it without comments. May the reader draw his/her own conclusions.

In this particular matter all correspondance should be addressed to:

[email protected] (You can participate in teh protest! Please look - WK)

Christopher Skotnicki

Polish-Belgian Assoc. Brussels

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