In Search of Classmates - Lost, Missing, or Temporarily Mislaid . . .
We need your help!  Although we believe we have accurate contact information on most of our classmates, we haven't found them all.  Can you help us locate the following people?  Please let us know if you have an email or postal address or other information that might help us to contact any of them. Just submit information on the form below and we will try to reach them as quickly as possible.

In addition to reviewing this list, please take a look at the
Graduation Class List to see if there are additional individuals in our class who did not graduate with us (e.g., because they moved before graduation) who should be added to the class contact list.

Note that this list will change as we discover that the contact information we have on some classmates is out-of-date, and as we locate others. So, please come back to check for names of "newly lost" classmates!
We're Still Looking For . . . .
Sharon Kay Ald-doost
Yvonne Michele Anderson
Terrie Ann Breit
Robert Marshall Brown
Robert David Bruce
William Alexander Bryant
Jerry Juan Byrd
Eugene Brandt Clay
Jay Rockford Cogar
Larry Kirkpatrick Colbert
Patricia Ann Colbert
Jayne Ann Coleman
George Temple Conkey
Robin Elizabeth Cooke
Sharon Leigh DeLashmitt
Brenda Sue Dick
Cindy Jo Distrito
Marina Julia Di Tommaso
Pamela Maria Eppard
Mark Shane Fitzgerald
Jane Elizabeth Francis
Tom Geyerman
Wardell Maurice Gibson
Claire Helene Grant
Suzanne Gray
Mark Hunter Greene
Linda Jane Hoke
Stephen Abell Johnson
William Kevin Johnson
Roslyn Jones
Richard Glenn Jordan
Diane Marie MacDonald
Jody Marchibroda
Robin Lynn McAliley
Richard Vincent McAllister
Catherine Mae McCoy
Steven Benesh McFarland
Stephanie Diane McNeely
Donald Lawrence McNeil Jr
Beverly Beatrice Medlin
Barrie Douglas Meyer
Margaret Ann Middleton
Debra Sue Miller
Whitney Sherwood Misch
Vicki Lynn Mobley
Afsaneh Moshaveghzadeh
Kathleen Margaret Moyers
Susan Margaret O'Rourke
Robert Lee Pearson
Robert Arthur Peters
Pibulporn Pibulsonggram
Gail Lorraine Pollack
Ola Lee Pollard
Walter Thomas Robinson
George James Schaefer Jr
Carl Robert Schweighofer
Maria Daruni Sing
Carey Suzanne Smith
Susan Diane Smith
Curtis Gregory Southerling
Lorraine Spaulding
Eve Lynne Stark
Jefferey Alan Stephens
Added August 8-October 9, 2003

Judy (Juda) Adams
Alicia (Muffie) Clegg

Steven Coleman
Mike Connors
Kevin Crenshaw
Francis Ford
Joe Hickey
Karen Kitson
Leslie Lewis Brown
Colleen Nevius
Ed Sieveka
Anne Marie Witbrodt White
With Your Help, We've Now Found . . . I can help you find . . .
Can you help us? Please provide information on the following form and submit it to us  . . .
William Ray Armstrong
Clay Arnold
Jonathan Swann Baker
Andre Barbeau
Ken Belongia
Dawn Bersson McCormick
Melinda Birnbaum Lyons

Susie Bosta Stedman
Barry Blackburn
Christine Grace Bradley
Nora Brugger
Daniel Bruce Campbell
Richard Martin Conrad
William Dean
Diane Defries
Michael Dickinson
Sharmeen Charlotte Dosky
Andy Fenton
Elizabeth Starling Few
Tom Fiandaca
Melanie Ann Fox
Pat Franz
Vicki Frecknall
Robin Galley
Kim Glidewell and Terry Grimsley
Mary Elizabeth Haack
Mark Handmacher
Irene Yvonne Hiner
John A. Howell
Helen Hynes Maurer
Paul Mayo (deceased)
Ralph Ingraham
David James
Sheila Kelly
Peggy Kent
Susan Rees Lee
Brian Lennon
Catherine Ann Lloyd
Peggy Loome Matthews
Bruce Lukoskie
Cathy Maloney Young
Donald McNey
Patty Merchant
James Pretorius
James Quayle (deceased)
Pam St. Raymond
Robin Lee Ricketts
Charles Schlegel
Kerry Jon Schoning
Rosalyn Schwartz Foroobar
Richard William Schwenz
Kathleen Audrey Shea
Debbie Stanley Miller
Nanlin Danny Sun
Nanmei Sun
Daniel VanderSchuur
Frank Varosi
Mark Edward Veysey
Shelly Westebbe
Barbara Wilson LeGrande
Your Name:
Your Email:
Name and contact information for "lost" classmates:
Added August 4-7, 2003

Kathy Allen Kidwell
Michael Ashworth
Atilio Canas
Sue Cobb
Ilene Cohen Zackaroff
James Dennis
Peggy Ann Drown Younger
Wini Emrick Tucker
Francis Ford
Omer Fortier
Evelene Garner
Philip Geiger
Carla Goins
Beverly Marshall
John Morn
Ann Ostrand Gorlow
Forrest Payne
Elmer Purnell
Cynthia Rantz Martin
Laurie Somers
Chuck Sykes
Brad Ward
Sally Washnock Pruett
William Wehrman
Kevin Woisard
If you don't receive an acknowledgment from us within a day so thanking you for sending this information, it likely means there was a problem with the submission! Please resubmit the info using the form, or just email us directly.
Huynh Hoa Stover
Ann Stukhart
Cheryl Lynne Waller
Tawanda Elizabeth Washington
Thomas Clayton Wayne
Deanna Lynn Welgan
Diana Jane Whitaker
Larry Wayne Williams
Melissa Ann Wilson
Joseph Michael Wood
Nancy Carolyn Wood
Judith Ann Yelverton
Terry Lee Yokum
Mary Ellen Young
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Last updated on October 9, 2003
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