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'Solace: Progressive Relaxation
and Guided Imagery'

This cassette tape provides relaxation techniques you can use anytime - anywhere!

Side one includes spoken instructions for progressively relaxing your entire body and mind - including calming restless thoughts and worries - over a background of soothing instrumental music. Side two consists of the relaxing music itself, to use once you learn to employ the relaxation techniques on your own, or simply to provide a tranquil atmosphere for your daily activities. Each side is a little over half an hour long.

Here's a short downloadable sample of the music from "Solace."
(copyright 1998 by Katäri Brown, all rights reserved)

Cost: $10.00 total, including shipping and handling.

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PayPal through us, you can save $5!

Also check out Katäri's CD of original songs, It Rhymes With Canary.

To request additional information about "Solace," or to request our mailing address to pay by personal check or money order, contact Katäri Brown.

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