

Boston Historical Society
The Bostonian Society is the first stop for anyone interested in the city's history. The Old State House is maintained by them. There is nothing like standing in the spot where the Declaration of Independence was read. They have a large library collection.

Library of Congress-U.S. History
Extensive online collection of letters.

University of Virginia Library
Online database of letter of letters from the many prominent figures.

The Massachusetts Historical Society
The Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS) is a major research library and manuscript repository.

Paul Revere House
Internet site has some interesting information about Thomas Crafts jr. and Thomas Crafts Sr. The Paul Revere House is a great place to visit to see what Boston was like during the revolution.

Evanston Masonic Temple
Mentions Thomas Crafts' involvement in Tea Party and masons.


Quintin Publications
The only place to buy "The Crafts Family History" by James and William Crafts. Large selection of genealogical works.

Free index of millions of names. Genealogical goldmine.


Knox Artillery
This is a group of reenactors who preserve the spirt of the Continental Artillery. Edward Crafts was an officer with this regiment.

John Rowe Letter at MHi
A great first hand account (with original handwritten letter) of the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Crafts.


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