Welcome to JPAX Designs.  My name is Jonathan Paxton.  I am a lifelong resident of Pearland, Texas just south of Houston where I live with my beautiful wife, Jana and my wonderful children, Hollie and Aidan.  Throughout this website, you can see different web pages, logos, business cards and other graphics that I have designed, but here, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself.

I was born on February 14, 1981 in Houston, Texas to Curtis and Patricia, who also live in Pearland, Texas.  My father is a retired Senior Expeditor from Halliburton Corp. and my Mother is an Administrative Assistant at
Freese & Nichols Engineering in Pearland.  I have two older brothers.  David, 29, is a performer at the Houston Grand Opera and Paul, 35, is an associate attorney at Lorance & Thompson in Houston.

I graduated from
Pearland High School under the Texas Recommended Curriculum on May 29, 1999.  Afterward, I studied Theology during a one-year program at Texas Bible College in Houston, Texas.  In February of 2000, I underwent maxillofacial surgery at the Methodist Hospital in Houston.  After recovering later that year, I enrolled in MIS and Computer Engineering classes at Southern Methodist University: School of Engineering & Applied Science in Houston, Texas.  While there, I completed the Microsoft 2000 MCSE Training Course, Exchange 2000 Administration, SQL Server, and Novell Netware Administration.  I also obtained my A+ Certification from CompTIA at SMU.  I graduated in July of 2001.

I am presently a Networking Engineer for
Getronics IT Solutions in Houston, Texas.  I provide networking infrastructure, account administration and remote desktop support exclusively for Booz | Allen | Hamilton.

Outside of my professional career, I am also heavily involved at the
First Church of Pearland, where I have attended all of my life.  I design and organize digital presentations for services, sermons, lessons and seminars using MS PowerPoint and MediaShout. I also implement and work with several photo and graphic design programs such as Adobe Photo Shop, Paint Shop Pro, Corel Draw MS Photo Story and Bryce.  I assist with graphic design and desktop publication for several church projects, as well as video and digital rendering.

Although I am in the midst of my career and a full family, I still manage to find at least a little time to indulge in some of my life-long hobbies.  A few of my favorite pastimes are collecting sports memorabilia, medieval weapons and movies.  I also enjoy studying Texas and American history, political science and various new IT and graphic design  projects.  Two of my greatest interests are controversial events and mysteries in American History.

Despite the constant preoccupation and involvement propagated by my career, church and additional responsibilities, my family remains the single greatest object of my affection. My wife, Jana, is the most incredible woman I have ever known. She provides unparalleled stability, nurturing and love in our home. Many times, I feel like Ronald Reagan did about his wife, Nancy when, after being shot, he said, “I pray there’s never when she’s not by my side.” Meeting Jana was truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. As for my daughter, Hollie…well, what can I say? She’s the sweetest and smartest little girl in the world. My new little son Aidan is also my sunshine and joy. His smile sheds light on everyday I live.  No matter what challenges I face in life, my family is always a sign that God has truly blessed me.

I trust this brief synopsis provides you with a little more insight about me.  This site is intended to provide you with the opportunity to view websites, advertisements, digital wallpapers and other graphics that I design. If you need professional logos, business cards, banners, flyers, graphics or websites,
click here to contact me.  Thank you for visiting JPAXDesigns.com…your best source for affordable and professional advertising and web design.
Jonathan C. Paxton
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Jonathan Paxton, MCP
JPAX Designs
Aidan Kennedy Paxton
Digital Wallpaper
John F. Kennedy
George S. Patton
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9/11 Tribute
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Movie Sites
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Movie Wallpaper
Disney World 2005
Hollie Anne Huddleston
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