Girls Scout of the Philippines


It was started in 1906 by an Englishman and an army officer named Lord Robert Baden Powell. From that time on to the present, Scouting had a great impact on young people all over the world. Aids to Scouting, an army manual prepared by B-P (as Baden Powell was fondly called) was the first guide for Scouting activities. This consisted of tests and games of character and intelligence, physical health and endurance.
B-P originally intended the manual to help his soldiers
to have self-reliance, confidence and discretion through
challenges and games in small groups. He called these groups PATROL.
Later, the Manual became "Scouting for Boys." It grew out of the personal, exciting experiences of B-P. It established the basic structure, the Promise and Law and the Patrol System. To practice the theories in
this manual B-P held an experimental camp at the Brownsea Island, off the coast of Great Britain.