Dragon Age

Dragon Age is a game series about a medival magical world named Thedas. They have realesed 3 games in this serie now and right now I'm playing the third game, Dragon Age Inquisition. There are some reasons why I love this game, the graphic, story, fighting system and so so much more. I have been playing this game on a Ps4 and I have NEVER excperienced lag yet.

    The Story

   The story in Dragon Age is very well made, you start the game in a green explosion, you faint and wakes up later in a prison with a strange green mark on your hand and a strange woman beside you. The womans name is Cassandra and she suspects you for creating the explosion. The explosion riped a hole between Thedas and another world called the fade. The fade is a place were monsters are created, and now when there is a whole between Thedas and The Fade it's your mission to close the hole between the two worlds.

This was just a little small pice of the story. This is the best gaming story I have experienceed by far in my life.


   The gameplay in Dragon Age is very very well made. There are 2 modes you can use in combat, you can plat 3rd person and stop time to comand or/and play as 1st person. The 1st person mode is the mode I use the most because the other mode sucks.

There is a normal RPG looting and crafting system, each time you kill a enemy there is a chance that the enemy eather drops gold, wepon,armor,crafting material or gold. With the crafting materials you can craft wepons and armor.

The level system is also very basic, each time you kill something or completes a quest you get some Xp (or experience points) and when you get a certaint amount of Xp you level up. Each time you level up you get one skill point, the skill point is used to learn new abilities that makes your chatacter stronger.


This game is one of my favorite games of all time and i can sumarize the game in one word, FLAWLESS!!!!