Double Fan Stitch

Click for close-upThe Double Fan stitch is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: It looks like two fans that are joined together at the apex. And it is done just as simply.

Step One: do your row of diagonal mesh (for this example, it should be a multiple of seven, though that varies according to the size/width of the fans you're intending to do).

Step Two: do a row of double length stitches (wrap each stitch twice around the mesh gauge before making the knot; more than twice will work, for a longer, thinner fan) It should come out looking something like this:

Step Three: On the next row, using a double length stitch, decrease by an order of seven; that means taht each knot should catch seven of the long loops you made in the previous row. Now, in that same stitch, increase six times -- with double langth stitches -- in each apex. That means, each fan apex will have seven extra-long stitches coming out of it, like this:

Step Four: do a row of normal stitches, catching each of those new long loops, like this:

And that's it!

[The information and images on this website are Copyright of Lady Cecilia Bartoletti (June). You may make a copy and use any information contained herein for personal use only, or for SCA documentation purposes. Unauthorised publication is not permitted.]

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