

Hellhole is about 2 miles to the back of the canyon marked on the map. This is one way so the total amount round trip is about 4 miles. This hike would be labeled in the mid to strenuous hiking difficulty depending on how far you want to go back. The whole way is sandy there is no way that you can get around it. However, there is a trail that follows the rim of the wash. See the map for details. It is much more effective to walk this way because you are walking more in a straight line than if you took the wash route. The wash also has a lot of small rocks that don't feel too great to walk on. Anyway, make sure that you go to the far canyon because it goes a lot farther back than all the other ones do. If you fill so inclined the other canyons are worth taking a look at.

Hiking Trail


Because this hike does take around 2.5 hours it is suggested that you take plenty of water. Depending on the season the amount of water needed will also change.

  • Winter: bring about 16 to 32 fluid ounces (1-2 water bottles) of water.
  • Fall and spring: bring about 32 to 48 fluid ounces(2-3 water bottles) depending on how hot the weather is.
  • Summer: bring 48 or more fluid ounces(3 water bottles). It gets in the upper 100s in the summer so be very careful to bring plenty of water and to take frequent breaks to avoid heatstroke.

    This hike is a little bit nicer to hike in because it is a wash/ canyon. The walls around you act like a tunnel so there is more wind to cool you off which decreases the amount of water needed. Although, still make sure to bring at least these recommended amounts. This may seem like a lot but your body needs more water when you are hiking in hotter temperatures, especially because St George is a desert after all.

What to Wear

  • Winter: bring a jacket and maybe another light jacket just in case the wind picks up
  • Fall and spring: light jacket preferably with a hood to keep out sun and wind. Also might as well wear some sunscreen.
  • Summer: definitely wear sunscreen you will get burned if you don't. You may also want to look into a buff. They will keep the sun and sand out of your face.
  • What ever you do bring make sure that it is somewhat durable because there are many low hanging branches and sharp rocks.

What to Watch Out For

Look out for rattlesnakes everywhere around here. I have had a few close calls myself and trust me you don't want to surprise one.

On this trail lookout on stormy days and windy days. If there is rain do not attempt to do this hike. Although it may look nice where you are at, if there is a flash flood water will fill up the wash and take anything standing there with it.