Jai Chavan's "Dance-Sport"

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Hold: Exercise - Pressure

The gap between the book and the body should be maintained continuously.

This is a general idea given below. The pressures spoken of below keep varying through out the dance, and it changes from partner to partner and also it changes for the same partner from day to day. However a bare minimum pressure needs to be maintained continuously which does not hinder the comfort for both the partners.

For the Hold with the Fingers and Closed Hold
Balance a book between the partners. Each partner exerts a push-force with the tip of the fingers and thumb, in around the centre of the book with a conventional hard cover. The gap between one's self and the book should be maintained almost steady, and the pair practises walking forward, backward and sideways at random. The man guides and is responsible to decide when the change of direction is needed. Such changes should be at random which should keep the woman and the man guessing continuously through out the exercise.

For Close Hold
Initially it is a good idea to balance a notebook between the partners where the body contacts is suppose to occur. Do not hold each other with the arms, and to practise the walk forward, backward and sideways. The book should not fall and neither should it get disfigured.

The basic of a particular dance could also be practised.

The faster the changes the better will both the partners learn of maintaining pressures, guiding and being guided.

This is similar to a game of chess. With man on one side requiring to make the moves, and lady on the other side who is continuously in a state of flux, trying to gauge the outcome of the opponent's move. In no circumstances should a man take the woman for granted irrespective of her experience and similarly the woman should not attempt any move on her own.

The one moveing back has to keep giving constant unvaring resistance and has to step only after the partner moving forward has stepped. The close hold exercise comes in handy here.

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