What You Need to Start AQUASCAPING

Wood Hardscapes

In the aquascaping world when someone is using material to decorate the interior of an aquarium it is called scaping. So, when someone creates a wood hardscape they are using wood to create the composition of the aquarium. Wood is a very popular choice of medium to using in tanks. Simply because that is what you would find in nature. There are many types of wood to choose from. Each one varies in look and texture. The common types of wood used in scaping is Sumatran Driftwood, Bogwood, Redmoor Root wood, Mopani wood, Marsh Root, Cholla wood, Manzanita, Saba Wood, Jangle Wood, Tiger Wood, and Malaysian Driftwood.

aqurium using wood in it

Rock Hardscapes

For a rock hardscape it is the same as wooden hardscapes but just uses rocks instead. The common rocks used in aquascaping are Dragon Stone, Seiryu Stone, Black Lava Rock, Traditional Seiryu Stone, Buceplant Stone, Petrified Wood, Ornaments stones, Slate, and Texas Holey Rock. It just a matter of finding a stone that you like the look of. Once you have found a stone that you like research it a little. Some stones will change the chemistry of the water column once they are in the tank. You can counter the change with other chemical to balance it out. Also, you do not have to stick just using wood or rock. You can incorporate both and most people do.

aquarium using rock in it