HAMIL - Background information

HAMIL - Background information

All your life you've known that there was something special about you, that you were extraordinary in some way. When you were young, you chanced to overhear unbelievable rumours and sometimes sinister strangers seemed to be watching you. Yes, it was all highly mysterious.

Finally you were told just what was in store for you. The Kingdom of Hamil. A weird and wonderful land, peopled by strange beings, a land of sorcery and romance. But more wonderful still: you are the rightful heir to the throne of Hamil!

Stolen away as a child, you decided to regain your inheritance. It wasn't going to be easy: there would have to be some way by which you could prove who you were, but nobody was able to suggest how you might do this.

You thought about the realm of Hamil. What were the legends you had heard about it? Would they give any clues? You had heard that it was a land where the powers of darkness were always threatening to overcome. Strange creatures would be encountered: a mighty vampire was supposed to haunt the underground caves; elsewhere there were huge rolling cornfields, where ancient spirits still served long-forgotten deities; mysterious beasts lurked in dark dismal pits, ready to grab the unwary passer-by; ancient and unusual mazes had been constructed by powerful wizards of bygone days, from which only the most ingenious explorer could hope to escape; and they spoke in hushed tones of something known only as 'the snark'. Even to stay in the same place for too long might be fatal: monstrous beasts could track you down and kill you with no trouble.

But Hamil has its splendour as well. Spacious courts, decorated with fountains, a mighty castle, where your loyal people were waiting ready to acknowledge you as master, even a museum filled with bizarre antiquities which only the rightful King of Hamil would be able to put to use.

You decided to set out and reclaim your throne. But you knew that it was not to be an easy task! There were hostile beings who were equally determined to be masters of your land. These beings seemed to be everywhere: wherever you went it seemed that they were just one step behind. Eventually, for your own safety, you had to flee, and attempt to reach Hamil.

Over the mighty plains you rode, for many a day and night. Through swamps, through jungles, across deserts, and through icy wastes. And at every step you knew that your enemies were on your heels. Eventually, after many days' travel, you reached the neighbourhood of your kingdom. Into a primitive chapel you ran, a place of temporary sanctuary.

This is where the real adventure begins. You are trapped in the chapel: if you leave it, it is at your extreme peril. However, you are the rightful ruler of Hamil, and the old legends said that one day you would return to claim your inheritance.

You were surely fated to come to this particular place. Perhaps this chapel is not all it seems, and you are closer to the land of Hamil than you at first imagined. It may be worth your while to investigate further...

Jonathan Partington 1

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