Matt's Love Life

Matt and You

It might work out, it might not. There's a difference between 2D and 3D people but if you can make a copy of yourself as a digimon character or even just plain anime character, it can be possible!! Good luck!!

Matt and Chibi_Girl (Me)

I would say that he's all mine and stuff but that wouldn't be fair. In my serious opinion, I think I would have a great relationship with Matt because we both have musical intrests, both have a younger brother, both love the colour blue and green, both love ice cream but most important, we both have conflicting emotions, by being together, we can help each other. The downer about this relationship is that all the other Yama fans would try to kill me like Jun and Sora. 'Cept all fangirls MUST stick together. :)

Actually my hair is black but I look prettier this way.

Matt and Jun

AHAHAHAHAH!! *Cough* OMG!! I've been dying to get to this section. Jun is...ew.... And....ugh.... *sputter* Just sick. She thinks she's all that and ..ugh... *dying* *dropped dead due to the thought of Jun* (Below, left) This is the reaction from Matt after he saw her. (Below, right) This is Matt not liking Jun, I love it!. For more proof that Matt doesn't like Jun, click here.      

Matt and Sora

Oh god. Statistically, this is now the worse and most hated coupling of Digimon and the bane of M2M's existence. After season two ended, it has shot up to the number one most hated part of Digimon! And I'm with that. I HATE this coupling. Why? Not only does she not deserve him, SHE'S A HEARTBREAKING SLUT! She ditched Tai for Matt. Then divorces the poor guy AFTER they have to kids!

She touched is santuaric god-like body and then ran off with the kids! No wonder Matt became an astronaut. And, she didn't just DUMP Tai, she practically RUBBED it in his face. *Shudder* Assuming those are their kids thank god they resemble Matt and not her. On the plus side, they never said Matt and Sora was official perhaps in the Japenese version. Ya, I know I'm in denial, but all my respect I had for Sora has now reached an optimal ZERO.

Sora must die. For what? For playing Tai ( her stupid hair ties) then for coming onto Matt very well knowing she'd be hurting Tai. And that's not all, she even went to Tai and ASKED him if it was ok to go out with Matt. You just don't do that to best friends!!! I don't know what the writers were inhaling at the moment of their decision but admit it, they just look ugly.

.... I mean, LOOK. Just LOOK at that flat chested bitch. Tell me ONE thing that made him deserve such a horrible fate? I don't care if you Sorato fans will flame me. Why? Because YOU'RE JUST LIKE SORA! Ugly and stupid. So fuck you and have a nice day.

Matt and Mimi

Wow! I was saving this for last. I think that if I can't have him and you can't have him, then Mimi has to get him. They make the cutest couple!! Yes, another Mimato fanatic for you Sorato fans to hate. FEAR ME!

The writers have made it painfully clear that Sora gets Matt in the end of the JAPANESE series. But to live a life, is to stand with your beliefs. No matter how true the fact, if you hate it, stand against it. If not, I bet terrorists would've already eaten America.
(IMPORTANT: These are not evidence of them liking each other, duh, it's only evidence that the writers / artists were HINTING that they MAY like each other in the future/cute coincidences)
-Matt Ishida, or M.I. , Mimi 2 M.I.'s
-Mimi (season2) found a cute guy in America name Michael. Michael and Matt both start with M's and he has blonde hair and a green shirt same with Matt, even Mike's hair is parted the same way as Matt's!!!
- I maybe deaf but I think I heard Matt's Band's song playing in the background as Mimi left her friends party in the episode "Samurai of Sincerity"
- Matt + Mimi = Cloud + Aerith (FF7) I support them too. TIFA should DIE!
- More evidence are the usual ones from other sites, these were the only three I have not seen, and trust me, I've been to about 90% of Matt and Mimi sites, therefore, these evidence are found by me, but if you have questions or problems, e-mail me. Thx!
(Below, left) I cropped it myself so don't take it, get your own and crop it YOURSELF, pls and thanx *smiles sweetly!* (Below, right) Ok, compare Michael with Matt, look look look!! See? What did I tell ya! They look almost identical except Matt is wayyyyyyyy sexier!!!

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