Beware the Junous Ickious, when within it's grasp, your face might turn out like Matt's ....
Chibi_Girl: *SCREAM* GET YOUR DISGUSTING HO-ISH HANDS OFF OUR MAN! Ahhh! Girls I need support!!!
Matt: *As car drives off* TK! Please! You can have my collage money!! TK!!!!!!!!!
Matt: *Losing all hope* TK... noo....
Chibi_Girl: *EEEEK* What have you done Jun!!  Noooo.... the horror....
Matt attempting to trade seats/places with someone... poor guy
Originally designed for Sora.  But hey.
Jun Hate

Unfortunately more...
Jun Update!

Ok, I just watched Digimon on YTV and *scream* I feel sooo dirty!! I saw Jun in a bath towel. There was a towel on her head and one on her body and she was screaming at Davis. Ew. Ew. Ew. It's like, get some clothes! We don't want to see you half - naked!! *gag* I feel sick. Ok, nuff 'bout Jun. X_x

EUREKA!! I've come up with the Jun Theory!
Ok, Jun was created so that all Matt's fangirls would feel threatened. Then while all the fangirls are after Matt, they shove Sora into his life in hopes that it'll get by the fangirls. It ALMOST worked too. But Matt's LOYAL fangirls turned on Sora. *phew* And why is her name Jun?? Because Matt's B-day is in June (theoretical) and they just took out the "e" .... Doesn't this make a lotta sense?!?!?!?!

Right-click open new window. I'm too lazy.