| ITL 312K | Second-Year Italian Language and Culture I | Capitolo 2

Appunti ed esercizi sul congiuntivo


Gino hopes he does well on the exam.
Gino spera di fare bene sull'esame.
main verb present tense; simple infinitive

Gino hopes he did well on the exam.
Gino spera di aver fatto bene sull'esame.
main verb present tense; past infinitive

Gino hoped he would do well on the exam. (...he was doing well...)
Gino sperava di fare bene sull'esame.
main verb past tense; simple infinitive

Gino hoped he had done well on the exam.
Gino sperava di aver fatto bene sull'esame.
main verb past tense; past infinitive


We hope Gino does well on the exam.
Speriamo che Gino faccia bene sull'esame.
main verb present tense; present subjunctive

We hope Gino did well on the exam.
Speriamo che Gino abbia fatto bene...
main verb present tense; past subjunctive

We hoped Gino would do well on the exam. (...that he was doing well...)
Speravamo che Gino facesse bene...
main verb past tense; imperfect subjunctive

We hoped Gino had done well on the exam.
Speravamo che Gino avesse fatto bene...
main verb past tense; pluperfect subjunctive

La concordanza dei tempi nel modo congiuntivo:

due proposizioni con lo STESSO SOGGETTO

due proposizioni con SOGGETTI DIVERSI

They want to read that article.

The professor wants them to read that article.

I don't want to see that film.

My mother doesn't want me to see that film.

SAME SUBJECT -- both impersonal
It's impossible to understand his theory!

DIFFERENT SUBJECTS -- one impersonal expression; specified individual(s)
It's impossible that Laura understand...!

Come si dice in italiano...? ATTENZIONE ai tempi verbali!

1. I don't want to move to Mestre.

2. My mother wants me to move to Mestre.

3. We doubted that Oda could find Kulala.

4. I would like the children to obey me.

5. Do you think Doruma's problem is old age?

6. Are you happy you saw Juliet's tomb in Verona?

7. My parents don't want me to go to Rimini this summer.

8. My parents didn't want me to go to Rimini last summer.

9. Charles V believed that Titian had painted a very beautiful portrait.

10. I'm sorry that you didn't have a good time in Trieste.

11. It's wonderful to see the Dolomites again!

12. It's wonderful that you're seeing the Dolomites again!

13. I don't think I'm spoiled. Do you think I'm spoiled?

They want to read that article. Vogliono leggere quell'articolo.

The professor wants them to read that article. Il professore vuole che leggano...

I don't want to see that film. Non voglio vedere quel film.

My mother doesn't want me to see that film. Mia madre non vuole che io veda....

SAME SUBJECT -- both impersonal
It's impossible to understand his theory! E' impossibile capire la sua teoria!

DIFFERENT SUBJECTS -- one impersonal expression; specified individual(s)
It's impossible that Laura understand...! E' impossibile che Laura capisca...!

Come si dice in italiano...? ATTENZIONE ai tempi verbali!

1. I don't want to move to Mestre.
Non voglio trasferirmi a Mestre.

2. My mother wants me to move to Mestre.
Mia madre vuole che io mi trasferisca a Mestre.

3. We doubted that Oda could find Kulala.
Dubitavamo che Oda potesse trovare Kulala. (...che Oda riuscisse a trovare...)

4. I would like the children to obey me.
Vorrei che i bambini mi ubbidissero.

5. Do you think Doruma's problem is old age?
Pensi che il problema di Doruma sia la vecchiaia?

6. Are you happy you saw Juliet's tomb in Verona?
Sei contento di aver visto la tomba di Giulietta a Verona?

7. My parents don't want me to go to Rimini this summer.
I miei genitori non vogliono che io vada a Rimini quest'estate.

8. My parents didn't want me to go to Rimini last summer.
I miei genitori non volevano che io andassi a Rimini l'estate scorsa.

9. Charles V believed that Titian had painted a very beautiful portrait.
Carlo V credeva che Tiziano avesse dipinto un bellissimo ritratto.

10. I'm sorry that you didn't have a good time in Trieste.
Mi dispiace che tu non ti si divertito a Trieste. (...che non vi siate divertiti...)

11. It's wonderful to see the Dolomites again!
E' magnifico vedere di nuovo le Dolomiti!

12. It's wonderful that you're seeing the Dolomites again!
E' magnifico che tu veda di nuovo le Dolomiti!

13. I don't think I'm spoiled. Do you think I'm spoiled?
Non credo di essere viziato. Tu credi che io sia viziato? (Non penso... Tu pensi...?)

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