Documentation of the Development Process

This website is intended to new beginners on website design. This is an example of simplest website. This website shows how we can use html tags to create a simple webpage layout. In this website I had an opportunity to learn the base of html tags, from formatting a header to creating a table or creating a css file to make editing easy. While working on this website I was exposed to how resourceful this html language can be. With this website I met most of my objectives. There were lots of ideas that I wanted to present but required other language skills too. Overall I am happy to be able to learn and create a functional webpage only by using html lags and css.

Defense of the Final Product

I have created a basic webpage with some header, footer and some pictures. In this website users can not only get information they can also watch informative videos and message us.

  • Index.html:
  • In this page I was able to fit a horizontal menu using a table. My initial plan was to create a left-hand side vertical menu. I choose the horizontal menu because it felt easy to navigate.

  • AboutUs.html:
  • In this page I simply demonstrated how a heading and paragraph could be formatted using css file.

  • Computer.html:
  • In this page I have demonstrated that we can use css file to format a picture and paragraph at a same time. In this page I have also used list formatting to list the features of products.

  • Howto.html:
  • In this page I have demonstrated how we can embed a youtube video on our webpage and format that video size using css.

  • contactUs.html:
  • In this page I have used some text box and text area. This page demonstrate that using simple html tags we are able to acquire user input. This page is mostly formatted using css file.

    Opportunities for Improvement and Growth

    I can see a lot of opportunities while I was learning html tags. There are lots of other language which we could use to enhance the end-user experience. For example I wanted to create a animated link where user would click and it would side to the side and show its contents. I did some digging on those kind of animation, unfortunately it required jscript. In conclusion, this html tags are just a tip of an iceberg, to create a high-end user friendly webpage with lots of flashy pictures and animations. In the future I would like to add more of user interactive pages like shopping cart or rating a product etc to my webpage.