-Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front (IBDA-C)
IBDA/C is a terrorist organization, which aims to found Federative Islamic State and adopt a line of conduct of armed resistance to achieve this goal. The organization, whose leader is Salih ?zzet Erdi?, having radical Islamic activities since 1970, had came to be known with its illicit demonstrations held in Ankara and Istanbul.
Most apparent characteristics of the organization in their Sunni belief are their radical thoughts. IBDA/C contradicts with all the other Islamic Movements and they reject Iranian Schism. On the other side, IBDA/C names the Republic of Turkey as illegal and in this way; it co-operates with all the other organizations trying to destabilize the system of Turkey, especially with KADEK.
The leader of IBDA/C is Salih Izzet Erdis who is known by the name Salih Mirzabeyoglu. The organization members call him as the "commander". Salih Izzet Erdis was arrested on 29.12.1998 and on 04.01.1999 he was imprisoned.

Organizational Structure
IBDA/C has a very different structure, which is called as "Appear from One's Own Dialectic." According to this tactic, the members independently organize without any hierarchic authority. All the legal and illegal actions of the organization are held by the fronts, which were formed independently.
Every front determines a function, a target and forms groups independently. Every member acts with the idea of "Great East"; they do not take commands. Thus, usually the other fronts do not have information about another front's actions. There are two different fronts: legal and illegal.
Legal Fronts: They usually carry propagandist actions out. Publishing books, periodicals and organizing legal meetings, conferences or exhibitions are some of their activities.
Illegal Fronts: The people who adopt the ideas of IBDA/C by reading its periodicals or books, form groups and begin to act independently. Usually, these groups are formed by three or five people. The fronts act within the strategies of the organization. The number of the members of each front kept limited as a measurement. Some of illegal IBDA/C fronts are "Ultra Force", "Alt?nordu", "Lazistan" and "Union of Revolutionist Sufis."

The most important activities of IBDA/C is done in the publication area. They have many bookstores, web sites and print-houses. The training of the members are held by press groups and the meetings are held through the bookstores.
Some of the periodicals of IBDA/C which were published formerly were "AK-DOGU?", "AK-ZUHUR", "AKIN YOLU", "TARAF" and "TAHKIM". The organization is being published the periodical "NEW EXPECTED REGIME" to carry out their propagandist actions.

Actions without risks like throwing Molotov cocktails, sabotaging and sensational actions are preferred. The style of the action and the target are announced via their publications to inform members. When an action is been announced all the fronts hear it and begin to act with their own initiatives and they undertake the actions.
Action Targets
1. Churches, trusts or associations of the minorities
2. TV transmitters, newspapers and related associations
3. Ataturk statues
4. Taverns, banks, play lounges and tobacco shops
5. Tradesmen to intimidate the civil people and to find finance for the organization.
IBDA/C do not have many followers although the organization's name is heard very often. To create a terrifying image the organization makes actions and sometime they undertake other terrorists' actions which they didn't make. IBDA/C accuses the other Islamic movements, especially the Islamic site, of being passive and names them as provocateurs.
Until near past time, IBDA-C was taking attention by their provocative actions, but as a result of the operations done against the organization the leader Salih ?zzet ERD?? and many of the militants of IBDA/C were caught.
- Devrimci Sol (Revolutionary Left), Dev Sol
Originally formed in 1978 as Devrimci Sol, or Dev Sol, it was a splinter faction of the Turkish People's Liberation Party/Front. Renamed in 1994 after factional infighting, it still espouses a Marxist ideology and is virulently anti-United States and anti-NATO. The group finances its activities chiefly through armed robberies and extortion.
Since the late 1980s, the organization has concentrated attacks against current and retired Turkish security and military officials. Most attacks are in Turkey, primarily in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, and Adana. The group began a new campaign against foreign interests in 1990. Protesting the Gulf war, it assassinated two US military contractors and wounded a US Air Force officer. They launched rockets at US Consulate in Istanbul in 1992. In early 1996 Dev Sol assassinated a prominent Turkish businessman, which was its first significant terrorist act as DHKP/C. The group conducts fundraising operations in Western Europe

The first idea about the organization was constructed in 1993 by radical authors from Middle East and Islamic Revolution Movement of Kurdistan was founded in 1998 by leadership of Mehmet PEKTA? and by the help of people who are having their education at Diyarbak?r Dicle University.
The organization was active about acquiring members and constructing inner structure till mid of 2000. After the terrorist organizations Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and Hizbullah-?lim lacks influence in the area, they activated much more to close the gap.
The goal of the organization is to found a Islamic state with Kurds in the area of so-called Kurdistan, that is East and South Eastern Anatolia, at first and then to expand throughout Middle East.
The founder and the leader of the organization is Mehmet PEKTA?.
To achieve the mentioned goal 4 staged strategies are adopted; announcement, forming staff, informing public and having new members, founding state.
Organization form city responsibilities at Elaz??, Van, Malatya, Gaziantep and Batman with the headoffice at Diyarbak?r. In addition, military branch of it is founded by the name of "Armed Defense Union" at Diyarbak?r and Elaz??.
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