Ali Agca a Turk terrorist who tried to kill
the Pope
Turkey is a state which Islamic terrorism is very active. No one is safe in Turkey nowadays, Because if someone opposes the Fascist regime of the modern Kemalist Turkish State, is in danger from the Turkish army, but if someone is a friend of the Turkish State, then he is in danger from many Islamic terrorist  groups operating in Turkey. 
Some of the Turkish terrorist organizations  are:
-Turkish Hizbullah
-Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front (IBDA-C)
- Devrimci Sol (Revolutionary Left), Dev Sol
- Vasat Organisation
- Ceyshullah Organisation
- Organization of Caliphate State ( ?CB-AF?D)
-Islamic International Peacekeeping Brigade (IIPB)
-Anatolian Federated Islamic State

Turkish Hizbullah
Hizbullah Concept
"Hizb" as a word means "a group, league or a community formed by people who have same thoughts and same motivations." "Hizbullah" means, "the path of Allah", "the followers of Allah" or "the Party of Allah".
Groups of Ilim (Science) and Menzil (Range)
Among the other groups gathering around book stores the one which has united around Ilim ve Menzil Bookstore, is more active than the other religious groups. This bookstore was founded in Diyarbakir in the beginning of 1990's and it addresses more people than any other bookstores in the same platform. The tenant of Ilim (Science) bookstore was Huseyin Velioglu and the tenant of Menzir (Range) Bookstore was Fidan Gungor.
These two groups were acting together and were united around Vahdet Kitabevi in the 1980's, but they had some conflicts about the leadership of the group and separated into two different fractions with two different bookstores. Until today, these two bookstores have propagandised their radical Islamic thoughts.

Hizbullah-PKK/KADEK Conflict

This conflict had been seen intensively in city centers like Diyarbak?r, Batman, Mardin and in districts like Nusaybin, Silvan, and resulted in many deaths from both sides. The Turkish State from the beginning SUPPORTED Hizbullah because, Hizbullah was fighting against the enemies of the Turkish state the Kurds, (PKK/KADEK)
Meanwhile the conflict lasted for 4 years between 1991-1995 as consequences of the activities done approximately 700 people were killed, among them there were KADEK militants and sympathizers , imam, mullah, directors and members of HADEP-DEP, some press members, supporters of H?ZBULLAH and some citizens.
Approximately 500 of these murders were committed by illegal Hizbullah ?lim Group and approximately 200 of them committed by KADEK (PKK).
In the first periods of the clashes in some murder cases the police failed to solve because Hizbullah was an ally. Finaly  police constrainedly turned against H?ZBULLAH.

Goals and Strategy

The goal of Hizbullah groups is to destroy the constitutional regime of Turkey and to introduce an Islamic state resembling to the one in Iran. To achieve their aim they adopted a three staged strategy "communication-community-holy war."

The Clashes between the Ilim and Menzil Groups

The ideological differences between Ilim and Menzil have turned out to be armed conflicts after 1993. In these armed actions many members of both sides had died, Menzil lost its power, even it inactivated in some regions as a result of the decision of non approval of armed actions strategically.

Menzil has moved its actions to Adana, Sanliurfa, Mus, Bingol,Van and metropolitans around from Diyarbak?r, Mardin and Batman.
Recent Condition

The leader of Hizbullah, Huseyin Velioglu had died in the struggle on 17.01.2000. On the same day, other leading members of the organisation Edip Gumus and Cemal Tutar were caught.

The terrorist group made following actions to stop the break up period, to give massage to its members, and to take revenge and to
intimidate the security forces:
a) On the date of 24.01.2001 to Diyarbak?r Police Chief A.Gaffar OKKAN and 5 police officers
b) On the date of 25.08.2001 to confitent ?aban ELALTUNTER?N
c) On the date of 14.10.2001 to 3 police officers in ?stanbul.
Nonetheless, finding out of 70 corpse who were cross-examined by the group clearify the real perspective of the terrorist group and as a result of these they gain the hatred of the society.
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