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Education= Not your Average Learning Zone!!
Pics I randomly made
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Christina Aguilera
Isa's Artwork Gallery, place, thingamajigy, whatever y'all wanna call it!! <~_~>

Over the years I have always tried to be Manga-ka geek. But now that I've got more things to handle, and now that I'm doing my GCSEs, I've drawn less and I'm starting to suck at drawing manga, especially when I no longer have no one to help me to shade and assist, etc. So yeah, this gallery will show you recent pictures that I've done, without anyone's supervision or any form of help. For now these are the only 2 pics I have, but I promise I'll do some more, if I could be assed.
>Click on the pic to see an enlarged version of it<
Sora, keyblade holder from Kingdom Hearts, first artwork of mine to be ever on this damn website.
This is one piece of krap thingy that I made while I was in a krappy GRS lesson. You never learn anything good from them krap lessons anyway
If any of you have any suggestions on any artworks or comics that I can do then fill free to fill in this form. Credit will be given to you if your idea(s)/suggestion(s) appears on this site then
Email Address:
Suggestion/Idea for an artwork(If you have one):
Storyline for comic:

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