Collecting John Irving

A Selective and Excessive Bibliography - A Work in Progress
by Gary Norris
Italian Publisher - Rizzoli Libri

Liberta per gli Orsi - Traduzione di Pier Francesco Paolini, Proprieta letteraria riservata, 1968, by John Irving.  First published in Great Britain, 1992, RCS Rizzoll Libri SpA, Milano ISBN #88 1767451 6.  Titolo originate dell'opera: Setting Free the Bears.  Prima edizione- gennaio 1992 [hardcover]
La Cura Dell'Acqua Pura - "La Storia Tragicamente Comica Di Un Uomo Senza Qualita" - Traduzione di Pier Francesco Paolini.  Titolo originate - The Water-Method Man. ISBN #88 452 1678 0- 1972 by John Irving, 1989 Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, Bomplani, Sonzogno, Etas SpA. Via Mecenate 91- Milano. I edizione "I Grandi Tascabill" gennalo 1991. 289058/158 [paperback]
Doppia Coppia - "Il Gioco Degil Amorl Incrociati" - Traduzione di Pier Francesco Paolini.  Titolo originate "The 158-Pound Marriage" - 1973, 1974 by John Irving. 1986 Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri Bomplant, Sonzogno, Etas SpA Via Mecente 91- Milano. I edizione "I Grandi Tascabili" maggio 1988. 173328/92 [paperback]
Il Mondo Secondo Garp - "Quando La Vita E'Approssimata Per Eccesso" - Traduzione di Pier Francesco Paolini - Titolo originate "The World According to Garp" - 1976, 1977, 1978 by John Irving. 1979 Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, Bompiani, Sonzogno, Etas SpA Via Mecenate 91- Milano. IV Edizione "I Grande Tascabill" settembre 1978. 428854/36 [paperback]
Hotel New Hampshire - "Il Piu' Importante Scrittore Americano Della Nuova Generazione" - Traduzione di Pier Francesco Paolini.  Titolo originate "The Hotel New Hampshire" - ISBN #88 452 1079 0 - 1981 by Garp Enterprises, Ltd.- 1982 by Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, Bomplani, Sonzogno, Etas SpA Via Mecenate 91- Milano.  VI edizione "I Grandi Tascabili" marzo 1989.  422915/32 [paperback]
Le Reizole Della Casa Del Sidro - "La Morale Convenzionale Non E'Vera Moralita" (Charlotte Bronte) - Traduzione di Pier Francesco Paolini - Titolo originate "The Cider House Rules" - ISBN #88 452 0231 3 - 1985 by Garp Enterprises, Ltd. - 1985 by Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, Bompiani, Sonzogno, Etas SpA Via Mecenate 91- Milano. V edizione "I Grandi Tascabill" febbrasio 1990. 137000/65 [paperback]

Setting Free the Bears - Japanese paperback right arrranged with Literistic, Ltd. through Japan UNI Agency, Inc.  Japanese paperback edition, 1989 - Chuokoron-Sha, Inc. ISBN #4 12 201695 6 (C I 197 P52OEO)
The 158-Pound Marriage - Japanese translation rights arranged with Sterling Ford Literistic, Inc., New York, through Japan LTNI Agency, Inc.  Tokyo. Copyright 1987 Kazue Salto, ISBN #4 10 227305 0 (CO197 P56OE)
The World According to Garp - Japanese translation rights arranged with Harold Matson Company, Inc., New York through Tuttle-Mori Agency, Inc., Tokyo, 1983 Masaki Tutui, 1978 by John Irving, Japanese copyright 1983 by Sanrio Company, Ltd.  Two hard-bound volumes ISBN #4 38783016 6, Vol. 1 494402, Vol. 2 494411 (CO397 P1648E)
Norwegian Publisher - Glydenal Norsk Forlag

Garps Bok -
Utgitt forste gang pa norsk, 1979
1 Glydenals Magnumboker, 1987
1 Glydenal Pocket, 1993
2 opplag, 1996
4 utgave, 1997
5 utgave, 1997
6 utgave, 1998
2 opplag, 1999
Overstatt Av Per Qvale

Hotell New Hampshire - Overstatt av Tormod Haugen.  Glydenal Norsk Forlag, Oslo.  En Magnumbok fra Glydenal. ISBN #82 05 17625 6

Glydenal norsk forlag titles:
Hotell New Hampshire, h 1999, 98.00
Garps bok, h 1999, 98.00
Siderhusreglene: roman, ib 1998, 135.00
En Bonn for Owen Meany, h 1999, 98.00
Enke for Et Ar, ib 1998, 369.00
Siderhusreglene: roman, h 1999, 98.00
Enke for Et Ar, ib 1999, 135.00
Enke for Et Ar, h 1999, 98.00
Sirkusbarn: roman, h 1999, 98.00

Available from:
Lothes Bokhandel AS
Haraldsgata 134
5500 Haugesund
Tlf. 52-721333
Fax - 52-721335
Swiat Wedlug Garpa - Przelozyla Zofia Uhrynowska-Hanasz, Czytelnik, Warszawa, 1994 [fine paperback]
Modlitwa za Owena - translated by Magdalena Iwinska i Piotr Paszkiewicz, Warszawa, Wojciech Pogonowski, 1993
Pravila Doma Sidra - Publisher: Vagrius, 1999.  ISBN: 5-264-00120-0.  592 pages. Webpage
Spanish : Spain, Mexico, and South America
Spanish Publisher - Tusquets Editores

El Mundo Segun Garp - Traduccion de Iris Menendez, SA. Iradier, 24, bajos- D8017 Barcelona [fine paperback]
El Mon Segons Garp - Columna, 1991, 1st Spanish Ed. (?), NF trade paperback.
El Hotel New Hampshire - translated by Iris Menendez, Barcelona, Argos Vergara, 1982.
El Hotel New Hampshire - Tusquets, 1995
Doble Pareja - Anagrama, 1985
La Epopeye del Bebedor de Agua - Tusquets, 1989
Un Hijo del Circo - Circulo de lectores, 1995
Principes de Maine... - Tusquets, 1992
El Mundo Segun Garp - Tusquets and several other publishers
Oracion por Owen - Tusquets, 1989

For Spanish translations, contact Pan American Books:

Swedish Publisher - Gedins Forlag

Garp och Hans Varld - Oversattning av Caj Lundgren, 1982. Omslage ar Vidar Forsberg. Walstrom & Widstrand, Stockholm. Printer hardcover, no dust jacket, ISBN #91 46 14243 6
Laft die Baren Frei! - Setting Free the Bears
Die Wilde Geschichte vom Wassertrinker! - The Water-Method Man
Eine Mittelgewichtsehe - The 158-Pound Marriage
Garp Und Wie er Die Welt Sah - The World According to Garp
Das Hotel New Hampshire - The Hotel New Hampshire
Gottes Wer und Teufels Beitrag - The Cider House Rules
Owen Meany - A Prayer for Owen Meany
Zirkuskin - A Son of the Circus
Witwe fur Ein Jahr - A Widow for One Year

All titles (except Garp) are published by Diogenes, Zurich, Switzerland
Related Material
Carlton, Evan - The Politics of Selfhood: Bob Slocum, TS Garp and auto-American-biography, Novel, Vol. 20, Fall, 1986, pp. 41-61.

Cosgrove, William - The World According to Garp as Fabulation, South Carolina Review, Volume 19, No. 2, 1987. pp. 52-58.

Fowles/Irving/Barthes - Canonical Variations on an Apocryphal Theme by Randolph Runyon, Published for Miami University for The Ohio State University Press [c 1981] xiii, 121 p., ill. ISBN: 0-8142-033503 cloth $35.00

McKay, Kim - Double discourses in John Irving's 'The World According to Garp'. Twentieth Century Literature v. 38, 1992, pp. 457-475.

Wymard - A New Version, Modern Fiction Studies, Volume 27, 1981, pp. 284-286.
Thanks to
Marcia Shindler, Ines Gutierrez, Kevin Corcoran, Steinar Haugberg, Juan Carlos, Robert Box, Shulamit Koretz
Special Thanks to
Allen Reeder, Ben Forest, Friedrich Burbach, Edward McPherson, Joseph Sharp, Jackie Thomas, John Meier, Ken Lopez
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