International Revelation Tidings
Some Revelation Tidings Issues:
Book of Revelation
The last book of the Bible has been a great mystery for long ages, since the prophets and the apostles wrote the Bible.  Now, the mystery is revealed.  By prayer and fasting the Lord has been  revealing it to His servant, Rev. DR. Paulus Tribrata Br.

This is the time. The Lord manifest His power to restore, fashion and perfect His church become Spiritual Temple, Unity of the Body of Christ.  

The Book of Revelation means, 

  1. The 66 books of the Bible that God revealed His prophets and apostles. 
  2. The 66th book that God revealed to Apostle John in Patmos Island.

The Book of Revelation contents main subjects as follow:

  1. The second coming of Lord Jesus as "The Lord of lords", "The Bridegroom for His Bride", and "The King of kings" (Re. 19:6-7, 11:1-16; Mt. 25:1-46).
  2. The perfection of the Lord's church, as holy and perfect body of Christ, the Bride of the Lord.
  3. The perfection of false church, Babylon harlot bride, mother of fornication (Re. 17:1-6).
  4. The great Armagedon confrontation: The pseudo-trinity of Satan (old dragon, antichrist, and false prophet; Re. 12:9-11; 13:1-18) against Lord Jesus Christ and His host (Re. 19:17-21).
  5. The Peace Millenium Kingdom on the earth (Re. 20:4-6).
  6. The climax of confrontation, named Gog and Magog: God and His saints will against and overcome Satan and the wicked spirit even the risen-up gentiles in the second resurrection (Re. 20:7-10).
  7. The total destruction of heaven and earth:
    • Eternal victory of perfect church, entering New Jerusalem.
    • Eternal loss of false church, Satan, and world; entering sea of brimstone.
The Second Coming of Jesus
When the second coming is noone know.  No angels know about it, and does the Son.

The revelation tidings is not discuss about the time or the date of His coming, but discuss about everything will be happen before the His coming.


The Bride of the Lamb
When Jesus Christ comes in His second coming, there is resurrection of the saint and transfiguration of the remain people of God.  In the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, there are the Bride of the Lamb and the Children of Bridechamber 

The people who survive until the second coming of Jesus Christ are called "The Bride of The Lamb" but they who arise from the death are called "The Children of Bridechamber".


The Unity of the Body of Christ
The Great Harvest Period
.The dream of Pharao (Ge. 41) means the seven-year great harvest before the seven-year famine.  The fulfillment of this propechy is for Pharao's ages also for the last days.  Before the seven-year tribulation on the earth it will be a seven-year great harvest. 

That is the time for gathering harvest from nations, races, tribes, languages and unite in one Body of Christ.

After the Great Harvest Period, there will be Great Tribulation Period, the Great Famine Period.  In that time there will be a loud crying.  In that day the fair virgins and the young men will be feeble from need of water (Amos 8:11-14).


White Horse Movement


The Refuge from Tribulation
Dialogs of the church position when the antichrist rules on the earth put many arguments forward.  However, the Lord has revealed what will be happened in tribulation period.  Some people of the Lord, called the Bride of the Lamb, will not be touched by the Antichrist, but they can know the paces of the Antichrist until welcome the second coming of Jesus Christ.

How can it be happen?  This is a revealed great mystery.


Wisdom and Gnosis
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