A couple of reports from the tabloid media in the North about far right groups. Seems like the journalists involved are more than willing to print press releases from fascists, disguised as 'investigative articles'.

Nazi thugs target schoolkids

By Ciaran McGuigan

ULSTER nazis are planning to swamp Belfast schoolchildren with hate-filled racist propaganda.

The recruitment drive for the Ulster arm of the White Nationalist Party is set to concentrate on schools in the south Belfast area, nazi organisers claim. The propaganda campaign follows the distribution of racist leaflets in the Village area of south Belfast. And it comes as a number right-wing extremist groups, including the National Front, have re-surfaced to spread their message of hate throughout Northern Ireland.

A spokesman for the WNP told Sunday Life: "We will be concentrating in recruiting young people, and have no qualms about leafleting outside schools."

But, those distributing nazi literature could be prosecuted under race-hate legislation.

However, the WNP also plans to step up its recruitment campaign at Northern Ireland football matches - providing an extra headache for the IFA, which is already struggling to kick sectarianism out of local football. The WNP spokesman added: "Recently we have had officials take flags from our activists on their way into Irish league football matches. But we will continue to leaflet matches, and step up our presence at international matches."

Neo-nazi groups have traditionally gathered support in Ulster from loyalist paramilitaries - Shankill UFF commander Johnny Adair has been a long time supporter of the NF - and recent recruiting has been strongest in hard-line loyalist areas such as Portadown, Ballymena and the Village area of Belfast.

But both the NF and WNP have rejected recent press reports, that they plan to put forward candidates in forthcoming elections. Despite the recent successes of the far-right BNP in council elections in England, Ulster's neo-nazis realise that they would be unable to gain any electoral foothold.

The spokesman for Ulster's NF told Sunday Life: "We may eventually be in a position to stand in elections in certain areas, but at the minute we will be concentrating on taking our message to the streets."

The main focus for their protests is expected to be the proposed site for a mosque at Bleary, Co Armagh.

Sunday Life – 26th January 2003

Nazi Racists set to target Gerry Adams

By Marc Bowman

A new Nazi-style white supremacist gang has set up its headquarters – in the heart of Ulster’s Bible Belt. And they’ve got Sinn Féin’s Gerry Adams in their sights.

They’ve already launched a black propaganda campaign against Adams and the IRA – even though they call themselves the ‘White Nationalist Party’. And with their main HQ in Britain, and with a website already on the internet, they are already claiming one major incursion into Ulster. For they claim that a former cell of the neo-Nazi Nationalist Front based in Ballymena has already joined the rancourous ranks of the White Nationalist Party (WNP).

And the WNP is already seeing red over Gerry Adams. For, with the trial of the Colombia Three and their alleged links with the Marxist FARC guerillas looming, the WNP accuse Sinn Fein and the Provos of trying to set up ‘a Cuba at Britain’s back door’. And they accuse the Provos of ‘genocide’.

One of a series of black propaganda WNP fliers circulating in Ulster says of the Provos: "Their genocidal terrorist war against the White British People of Northern Ireland demonstrates their true Marxist agenda."

The WNP describe themselves as "a radical movement of white patriots who are aiming to clean up the mess our country is in." They claim Britain is "going from bad to worse". And they list the main causes, according to them, as: Multi-racialism, Asylum seekers, New Labour and the Tories, Race Laws, the so-called ‘Destruction of British Industry’, Drugs and, bizarrely, the Euro.

They claim that Asylum seekers are pouring over Britain’s borders daily, claiming housing and child benefits and getting priority on housing. They also claim that freedom of speech is being eroded. And they claim that alleged white victims of racial attacks are barred from speaking out afterwards.

But to add to Ulster’s already troubled political waters, the WNP also say that they are going to field a candidate in Rev Ian Paisley’s own backyard in his heartland of the Ballymena Bible Belt. They say they will run in the Assembly elections in the Paisley patch of Ballymena.

[Text of WNP Leaflet]

For over thirty years the Marxist terrorist group – the Irish Republican Army (IRA) – has been waging a murderous campaign of Red terrorism and ethnic cleansing against the people of Northern Ireland – Protestant and Catholic.

This evil campaign of bombings, shootings and wholesale slaughter has led to the horrific deaths of over 3,500 men, women and children, innocent victims of violent atheistic communism.

The IRA’s ultimate aim is the complete destruction of Northern Ireland as a part of the United Kingdom and the setting up of 32 county socialist workers’ republic on the island of Ireland. A Marxist dictatorship – a Cuba at Britain’s backdoor!

You may have seen their Sinn Fein spokesperson (IRA’s leftist political wing) on TV? These people are but the slick media manipulating frontmen for mass murder in Northern Ireland. Their extreme politically correct stance – anti-racial segregation, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual rights – spell the death of the White Race world-wide.

Their genocidal terrorist war against the White British people of Northern Ireland demonstrates their true Marxist agenda. Don’t be duped! Don’t buy their phoney ‘Irish Unity’ propaganda hype. Next time they call collecting funds just say "NO!" Tell these commies no money for IRA death squads!

White Nationalist Party (logos of Celtic crosses)
BM Box XXXX, London WC1N 3XX

Sunday World (Northern Edition) 12.01.03

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