Racist Graffiti Removed in Tallaght

The appearance of graffiti of a racist nature in certain parts of Tallaght recently is an extremely worrying development for community relations in the area according to the local branch of Republican Sinn Féin. A number of walls in West Tallaght were plastered this week with slogans targeting the African population in the area in an attempt to stir racial tensions.

Some of the repugnant graffiti also contained pro Republican slogans. Racism is anathema to Republicans and goes against all basics tenets of Republican ideology. Those responsible are not Republicans and they should therefore desist from their activities forthwith. Members of the the Republican youth organisation, Na Fianna Éireann, assisted by a local representative of Republican Sinn Féin removed the graffiti in the past few days.

It is clear that asylum seekers are not to blame for the problems in our areas. It is the politicians in Leinster House and the various councils who are to blame. Don't let local councillors off the hook by targetting the immigrant community for the failure of South Dublin County Council to provide proper resources to the people of Tallaght. The local Cumman of Republican Sinn Féin will continue to monitor the situation and will remove anymore racist graffiti that appears in the future.

Report from: Wolfe Tone Cumman, Tallaght, Republican Sinn Féin.
February 14th, 2004

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