The General’s Niece

It is disappointing to note the lack of gumption among Irish racists, with the disbandment of the Irish ‘branch’ of NSRUS (National Socialists R Us) due to the poor response to their activities. A lone Cork racist leaflet distributor was also recently hounded off the street and had his pamphlets nicked by local anti-fascists. However some bizarre exchanges are still taking place on Irish racist web discussion forums.

American-based is a site dedicated to giving racist/white power/neo-Nazi types space on the Internet and has a section devoted to Irish users. The following exchange recently took place between two users, ‘Fionncool’ and ‘WarMaiden’:

"Fionncool: Whilst keeping an eye on the reds and a**holes at AFA [Anti Fascist Action] I came across the most ludicrous of claims I’ve seen by them: That our fellow race patriot WarMaiden is The General’s Martin Cahill’s neice (sic). What will the lying morons come up with next?

WarMaiden: Well I am his neice (sic) "sorry" to disappoint you. My name being Vicky Cahill, Oh the shame lol.

Fionncool: Sorry about that. I thought it was all a wind-up. I should have checked it out first. No disrespect intended. Racial regards, Fionn."

In fact Vicky Cahill is Martin "The General’ Cahill’s niece, being the daughter of convicted heroin dealer, Peter Cahill, as reported in the Irish Sunday Mirror in June of last year. She spends most of her time in New York and is a member of the small Women for Aryan Unity race hate group, another of those that seem to exist almost solely on the Internet.

The Phoenix - August 15th 2003

Link to the article under discussion here

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