About INSANIAH Library

Academic Library is one of the most important parts in all Higher Education Institutions . This includes in INSANIAH , where INSANIAH library is a resource center and a storehouse of knowledge that is useful for students and staff.

Library INSANIAH serves as support learning activities at INSANIAH and contribute to the dissemination of information and the dissemination of knowledge , particularly to students INSANIAH to produce intellectuals and professionals in all areas of Islam , scientific , education , propaganda , legal and other fields in line with the development needs of the community of faith, knowledge , charity, piety, and morality. INSANIAH library has a library committee to assist the library in matters of library material selection , draft policies or regulations of libraries , strengthening the collections and make suggestions to improve the quality of library services . The Committee is chaired by the Deputy Rector , Deans Kulliyyah , Course Coordinator , Registrar , Treasurer , Principal Assistant Registrar , Chief Librarian , Deputy Librarian and Librarian ( secretary).

Objectives INSANIAH Library

  1. To meet the requirements of the university in assisting the process of teaching , learning , research and expertise services information.
  2. Prepare and manage services and provided information on the quality of library facilities for customer needs .
  3. Strengthen the consumer's attention towards lifelong learning programs .
  4. Developing , documenting and maintaining information sources in the learning needs

Mission INSANIAH Library

  1. Provide leadership in the development of library and information management at University College Humanity
  2. Strengthening infrastructure and library science to ensure ease of access to information.
  3. Being a center of excellence for information and coordinate information to the excellence of Islam and various other things.
  4. Promote a culture of reading and production of creative thinking to all staff and students in line with the goal of producing a creative islamic university .
  5. Coordinate , maintain and facilitate the use of the information with the use of traditional and digital format .
  6. Encourage achievement and use global knowledge to produce graduates with the knowledge and moral

Service ScheduleINSANIAH Library

Day Semester A month before examination
Sunday-Wednesday 9.00 a.m-5.00 p.m 9.00 a.m-10.00 p.m
Thursday 9.00 a.m-3.30 p.m 9.00 a.m-3.30 p.m
Friday & Public Holiday Closed 9.00 a.m-5.00 p.m(Saturday Only)

Regulation of INSANIAH Library

Enforcement of the regulations is to help libraries meet organizational goals . Library users are subject to the requirements of the law . Action will be taken to library users who violate regulations was determined as follows :

  1. Only members are allowed to use the library's library .
  2. Library users should always wear identification cards in the library .
  3. Library users are not allowed to eat , drink, smoke , sleep , make noise or other things that can be disturbing for the library.
  4. Any user who damaged facilities / equipment library will have to pay compensation at twice the original price .
  5. Users should dress accordingly ( according to the dress code Kuin ) when using the library .
  6. Each user is allowed to borrow library materials and is responsible for returning materials on the expiry date .
  7. Each user is responsible for library materials borrowed . Fines will be imposed on the material lost / damaged . Fines will be imposed was twice the price and RM5.00 for payment process.
  8. A fine of 20 cents per day will be charged to the user library book overdue for more than the period prescribed by the library.
  9. Users are not allowed to bring bags , packages , files , jackets , folders and umbrellas into the library .
  10. Users must show their stuff to the library staff when out of the library or if requsted to do so .
  11. Users must inform the library staff as soon as a change of address .
  12. Users are not allowed to book a seat in the library .
  13. The Library is not responsible for the loss of personal items from the user library .
  14. Any materials left at the library closed can be taken at the service counter .
  15. The service counter will be closed 10 minutes before the library closes.
  16. Users are subject to the rules set by the library committee .
  17. Library staff have the right to send users who violate the rules at any time .
  18. Disciplinary action will be taken to library users who run library materials in an unauthorized manner .
  19. Organization of INSANIAH Library

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