A Brief Hello:
We need direction to get to our destination. Without direction, we have no destination.

Practical is all about, linking People to resources. If you do not find what you are looking for here, then it possibly hasn't gone online. Please send us an email and we will study and possibly include the link/resource you recommend.



It is all about

1.Connecting precious people like you to resources and needs.

2.Giving you the chance to know THE TRUTH as it is and make a decision concerning this.

3.Interract and share with people who make a difference positively in their society.

4.Develop authentic leadership in a time when the world is suffering from a leadership crisis.

5.Getting to know you, our valued visitors in a bid to serve you better.

And we hope to...

Get there through both this online tool and face-to-face meetings where need be. In a nut shell, we hope you will never regret you visited Practical. We encourage you to visit all the links, post a note on our forum or start a discussion amongst our free stuff is Alta Vista's renowned online translator, Free PC to Phone SMS sender, Online Bibles and a host of others. Subscribe to Practical to get challenged on your walk. Thanks for stopping by.

Inno Forteh

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