Indiana Black Librarians

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Indiana Black Librarians Network
Minutes of Fall Meeting, October 21, 2006, 9:45am-12:45pm
Hammond Public Library, Hammond, Indiana

Present: Rene Greenleaf (Hammond Public Library), Marcia Smith-Woodard (Indiana State Library), Michele Fenton (Indiana State Library), Dorothy Washington (Purdue University), Jos Holman (Tippecanoe County Public Library), Samuel Custard (Gary Public Library), Pearlie Eatman (East Chicago Public Library), Deloice Holliday (Indiana University), Daniel Weinberg (Gary Public Library), Valerie Lee (Gary Public Library), Latanya Jenkins (Purdue University), F. Keith Bingham (St. Joseph County Public Library), Roddretta Waxton (Lake County Public Library).

  1. Approval of Minutes, April 29, 2006 Spring Membership Meeting

    • Dorothy mentioned an error in the spring meeting minutes. The error was corrected by Michele. Marcia then made a motion to approve the corrected minutes. Samuel Custard seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

  2. Treasurer's Report

    • Jos went over his financial responsibilities as treasurer. Reported that Chase agreed to let us keep our account without the bank fee and accredited our account $6.00 (2 months worth of bank fees). He stressed that we should let the budget serve as a guide. He's willing to share/explain bank reports, expenses, etc. to explain where funds go. He also created a new IBLN membership form (the forms have May 2006 on bottom).

    • Jos let us know that the affiliate fee to BCALA has been paid. We are one of the first official affiliates (paid). He hasn't received a receipt fee yet. Fee is $125. Marcia said we should let library directors know we are an affiliate of BCALA (good to have in the promotional package).

  3. Old Business

    • Deloice addressed 501c3 (tax status). Hire a lawyer? Financial advisor? Tax consultant? 501c3 would allow us to write and receive grants. Dorothy and Jos commented on how 501c3 is a very lengthy and complicated process, but it is nice to have. Could/would someone be willing to work on this?

    • Ask BCALA for guidance? Keith Bingham stated how being part of a larger organization may make it easier. Daniel Weinberg started how he worked with an organization that had a CPA help them, which may make 501c3 less complicated.

    • Samuel suggested encouraging libraries' CPAs/accountants to join IBLN. Pearlie knows someone who can help. Rene said she'd work with Pearlie. Jos said he could talk to Stanton Biddle who is the treasurer of BCALA.

    • Rene said she could name about four people in the state of Indiana who are in upper management positions as far as African Americans and Latinos are concerned. She would like to encourage experienced library employees to go back to school to get what's needed to move up into these positions. She also mentioned how there are no African American school media specialists.

    • Samuel mentioned how he put $100,000 into his budget for tuition reimbursement. Maybe Hammond, East Chicago and other libraries will encourage staff to pursue MLS. Some people mentioned that some staff in their libraries don't even have a bachelors degree but they have library experience. However, without an MLS they can't move up.

    • It was also found that a lot of directors only have bachelors degrees and are having trouble getting an MLS. Keith said it's a matter of motivation in some cases even though there's money. Rene and Dorothy said they would be willing to work on a committee to market the profession to minorities. Dorothy mentioned a book "Grow Your Own" by Dr. Emma Perry and an ALA video to market the profession.

    • Marcia mentioned how her committee (diversity) sent out a survey about the level of diversity in libraries across the state (a targeted survey for minorities). She said that some respondents were confrontational and insisted that she add "white" to the survey, and she has. Marcia found more and more black library staff in Indiana--over 200, however it is not known whether they hold an MLS or not. Sam and Pearlie sent letters to get information on the number of African-American librarians.

    • The State Library will be doing similar surveys --a general and a targeted survey. The State Library did a grant for services to Hispanic Americans.

    • It was agreed that we need everybody's input into what needs to be on the targeted survey (what kind of questions to be asked, what concerns/issues addressed). We need to get the necessary data to get this diversity initiative moving. We need to make our presence known, go to meetings, etc. Deloice said she would work with the Indiana University School of Library and Information Science.

    • Concern was expressed about the State's plan to consolidate its library districts. Will we be represented? How would our communities be affected/benefited?

  4. New Business

    1. IBLN Meetings

      • University of Notre Dame is committed to the IBLN. The Dean is sending e-mails to the black staff. They're being encouraged to join and participate in IBLN. Samuel introduced Valerie Lee, an employee of Gary Public Library.

      • People in Ft. Wayne are working on gathering data to identify/encourage black librarians to participate in IBLN. Rene and Marcia suggested we work with directors on having staff attend IBLN meetings and get credited work time.

      • Spring meeting will be in Ft. Wayne with Connie Scott as host. Meeting could focus on fund raising and recruitment. Mr. Bingham suggested we have at least one future meeting in conjunction with ILF. Dates have yet to be decided (March 31st , April 14th?). Jos said that once we start having more activities we may need to have quarterly meetings.

      • Possibility of IBLN planning a program/pre-conference during the 2007 ILF conference (Fall 2007-November) in Indianapolis was discussed. Dorothy suggested a banquet to raise funds for a scholarship during ILF. Marcia said it would be fine as long as it doesn't conflict with the ILF banquet for scholarships.

      • Deloice wanted to know what else could be added to the information packet that we send to directors. Currently the information packet contains meeting minutes, website information, membership forms, BCALA article about IBLN, and meeting agendas.

  5. Reports from Subcommittees

    1. Website Committee

      • Samuel recommended we make the website easily accessible on search engines. Some type of tag or metadata is needed in order for our site to be indexed by a search engine. Currently you can't search for the IBLN website from Google or Yahoo!

      • Deloice has been sending messages to BCALA to get them to link our site on their webpage but so far BCALA hasn't linked to it. She's still trying to get the copyright information for the BCALA article about IBLN so we can post it to the site.

      • Some people who have moved out of Indiana still want to be on the listserv. Marcia wanted anyone with questions, etc. regarding the diversity survey to contact her via e-mail?

    2. Scholarship Committee

      • LaTanya Jenkins and Keith Bingham were added to the scholarship committee. Jos asked if we are interested in offering a scholarship in the spring; we can discuss the amount later. If the scholarship was offered in the spring, the student would need to be enrolled in the summer or fall semester.

      • Jos passed out a draft of a scholarship application. Rene really liked the application questions. Members suggested that language on the application state that the applicant be in library school. Michele suggested putting in the application that the applicant provide proof of acceptance into a program (i.e., a letter). Keith Bingham asked what if two or more people apply? Jos said it hadn't been discussed.

      • Keith also asked about setting up a fund at one of the state library schools. Keith said that we could provide the guidelines and have the institution administer it. The money would stay with us but how do we make sure the money is actually used for what it's for. Deloice said that Indiana University already has one. But she also echoed Keith's question regarding how the applicant uses the scholarship money--can we really micromanage the money once we give it to the student?

      • Marcia suggested that the scholarship recipient become a member of IBLN and be required to give a report on what they're doing as a student (not necessarily what's being done with the money). Dorothy talked about some places have eliminated race-based scholarships. Keith clarified by saying that taxpayer-funded scholarships can't be race-based but those awarded by private organizations can be race-based.

      • Dorothy expressed the need for us to maintain control of our scholarship fund. Deloice asked if we need to have someone write the language for the scholarship. Dorothy suggested that the Executive Committee review and make the final decision on who to award the scholarship. Deloice said we may need to communicate via e-mail in deciding further about the scholarship, spring program, and promotional package.

  6. Other Announcements

    • Deloice, Jos and Monique attended the Joint Librarians of Color Conference (JCLC). Jos brought the program booklet for those who could not come to the conference.

    • Rene introduced Mr. J.L. Johnson an attorney who has worked on Hammond diversity initiatives. He could work with us on 501c3. He is Director of Race Relations Council and an avid supporter of the Hammond Public Library
  7. Adjournment
    • Meeting adjourned at 12:45pm. (Central)
Submitted by Michele Fenton, Secretary

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Questions? Comments? Email DeLoice Holliday at [email protected]
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