Our Donations

Beauty can not be compare to Money. Its priceless. When you are really looking for quality then do not look at other thing. You know "More will be the sugar..more will be the sweet" .

We have all types of profiles availables for you so there is not any consistent prices for our girls. We have a basic price list that starts from INR 15000 for a short duration and INR 30000 for overnight.If you need our Ahmedabad escort girl in your city then it all include expenses at your end i.e. air tickets, dining, staying, shopping etc. etc.


1.Outstation visits starts from INR 80000 for 24 hours.

2. We accept only cash payment.

3. We deals only in high class escorts service so don't call us for cheap call girls services

4. Do not negotiate at our donations.

Time Cost (INR) Cost (USD)
Short Time 15000 3000
Overnight 30000 6000

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