Russian canaries are bred for their songs. Their songs consist of 10-15 high tone tours and are executed during 45 - 60 seconds.The different sounds that create the song of the Russian canary are often given a name of a wild bird or phonetically similar to what the bird is singing. The judgement of Russian canaries is closely related to the definition of the song and the tours.
      The following score and award sheet has the information translated to English but leaves the tours as they appear on a typical official score sheet in Russia.

Click on image to hear the song

Award Points
Large Gold Medal 61 - 70
Small Gold Medal 51 - 60
Large Silver Medal 45 - 50
Silver Medal 37 - 44
Bronze Medal 30 - 36
Diploma 24 - 29

  ## Positive Tours Points
From 0 to
Main Tours 1 Zapevka(Beginning) Troynik(triple roll)
Dvoynik(double roll)
2 Coolyk(Sandpiper) Dvoynoy(double)
3 Rossyp(rolls) Obycnovennaya(regular)


5 Bubentsy(bells) 6
6 Otboy(steel tones) Ding - dong
Tsong - tsong
Benefits for execution main tours 5
Additional Tours 7 Vstavnye(inserted) Tliau - tliau
Piya - piya
8 Sinitsy(tits) Bolshaya
(Big tit)
Malaya(coal tit) 3
Plan 5
Total positive points
Negative Notes(Faults) Points from 0 to -10
Final Score/Award

Main Tours

  1. Beginning
    1. Triple roll - three high tune rolls. Usually the first and the third ones sound similar, and the second one sounds higher or rarely lower and a little bit shorter. The main requirement to the triple roll - all three rolls should sound as if were incorporated. In nature we can hear the similar song of wrens (Craterscelis nuerina) , black martin (Apus apus), and coal-tit (Parus ater).
    2. Double roll - similar to triple roll, but we hear just two rolls.
    3. Roll - just one roll. The same sound we can hear in nature coming from goldcrests (Regulus regulus).
    In a song there could be one of the above.

  2. Sandpiper
    1. Double - two sounds like "coolie" repeated with different accents.
    2. One - one sound "coolie" or two with the same accent.

  3. Rolls

  4. Rolls are the main trills of many wild birds. There is variety of rolls. Russian canaries sing rolls using their vibrating beak.

    1. Regular - soft sound "ririririririri". You can hear this sound in nature from pipits (Anthus trivialis), rarely from linnets (Acanthis cannabina), or wrens (Craterscelis nuerina). Could be in conjunction with other rolls.
    2. Bellroll - similar to a regular, but reminds little bell's soft sound with metal tune and vibration. In nature we can hear the similar song of pipits (Anthus trivialis), linnets (Acanthis cannabina), corn buntings (Emberiza calandra), or meadow larks (Alauda arvensis). Gargling and twittering sounds are not permitted. Could be in conjunction with other rolls.
    3. Silver - the most valuable roll, which emulates two - dimensional sound of falling silver coins. In nature we can hear the similar song of waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus). Could be in conjunction with other rolls.
    4. Grasshopper's - the sound is like "dzidzidzidzi" with vibration and is similar to a grasshopper's chirr. Could be in conjunction with other rolls.

  5. Buntings

  6. These trills are similar to songs of wild buntings and contain sound like "zizizizizi" or "sisisisisi" with required intermission or pause between syllables. There is variety of buntings depending on sounds and breaks duration, also depending on a high of melody.

    1. Regular - it is named in honor of wild bird regular bunting (Emberiza citrinella) and sounds like "zizizizi" or "sisisisi". It's better if you do not hear the consonants. In nature we can also hear the similar song from garden buntings (Emberiza bortulana). Could be in conjunction with other buntings.
    2. High - in ideal it should sound without consonants definitely with crescendo on vowels "iiiiiii' or "uuuuu" with next fermata. In nature we can hear the similar song from mountain buntings (Emberiza cia). Could be in conjunction with other buntings.
    3. Steel - similar to a regular one, but you can hear the frequent strokes (light staccato) with a metal sound in syllables "dindindin" or "zinzinzin". You can hear this sound in nature from Stewart's buntings (Emberiza stewarti). Could be in conjunction with other buntings.
    4. Hand bell - very clear sound "dindindin"

  7. Bells - trill sounds, which are similar to bell rolls, but with rare vibration. In nature we can hear the similar song from blue tits (Parus caeruleus), white wagtails (Motacilla alba), or larks. The sound must be clear with a metal tune. Twitters and gurgling are not permitted.
  8. Steel Tones
  9. - the tours convey the sound of steel bar hitting repeatedly an anvil. Comparing with the steel buntings, they have a larger interval between syllables.
    1. "Ding - Dong"
    2. "Tsong - Tsong"
    3. Others

    Russian canaries are to sing main tours.

Additional Tours

VII.   Inserted Tours

  1. "Tliau - Tliau" - in nature the similar songs we can hear from bluethroats (Acrocephalus dumetorum) or siskins (Spinus spinus). Sounds like "tiu - tiu" or "tiau - tiau" are not permitted.
  2. Flute - sounds like "lululululu" emulate the fragments of wood larks (Lullula arborea) songs.
  3. Sandpiper - sound "coolie" with accent on the second syllable. Sound is more expressive and deeper than after beginning and is repeated several times. In nature we can hear the similar song from sandpiper(Calidris canutus) or lapwings (Vanellus vanellus).
  4. "Piia - Piia"
  5. Others

VIII.   Tits

There is a tradition to put different sounds of big and coal tits in Russian canaries songs.
Big tits

  1. "Regular
    "tsi - phi"
    "ti - ta"
    "tsi - pi"
  2. "Spring - sounds with three syllables
    "tsi - tsi - phi"
    "ti - ti - ta"
    "tsi - tsi - pi"
  3. "Sandpiper - sound "coolie" with accent on the first syllable.

Coal tit - similar to a regular big tit, but with shorter, more frequent and less expressive syllables.


      Coming from the judge's point of view the plan is multiple repetition of the same song from the beginning to the end without any additions, missing or switching.

Negative Notes (Faults)

       Chirps, twitters, wheezing sounds, jerks and growls, cracks, yells, whistles, trills in bass tune, other unpleasant sounds, and also European nightingale's notes are not permitted.

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