My Autobiography
             A chubby charming guy, friendly, easy to be with and funny (HAHA). It’s in my routine to make some jokes and to tease others. Yeah ! I’m jolly, you can see a smile on my face like everything’s fine and well, but behind those smiles, there are hidden tears and untold stories behind those jokes I’m throwing. I live at San Antonio Cauayan City, Isabela. Where my character has been molded and where I began dreaming. I was raised by my grandmother, she’s the one who been taking care of me. My mother Wilma Basubas was an ofw. She left me when I was about 3 months old. Only a baby, A baby who’s not aware on what’s happening and it’s so unfair. But now I realized that it’s all for us. I’ve got an elder brother named Ryan Basubas, he’s been my bestfriend. We play together and do crazy things together. He’s my ally. But when he turned college, he also left me. Now, he is already a Manager at Mart 1. Obviously, I grow up with a complete family. Mother in abroad, brother in Manila and my father, Jesus Basubas on his other family. Yes, my mother and father broke up since I was elementary and it was my 3rd sorrow in life. It’s just hard to grow up without family to take care of you, guide you, support you, and cheer up whenever you’re feeling down. I feel so alone, in fact, I can’t remember when was the last time that were together in some occasion like Christmas, New year and birthdays or is there a time that were been together in these events? I don’t know. I guess maybe it’s one of the reason why I’m like this, I mean, HAHA you know what I mean. But despite of all what happened, I’m still thankful and feel blessed for I got them in my life. Maybe they’re not in my side right now, but I know I was being loved by them. Thankful and blessed for I’ve got friends who accepted me and always there for me, and because I have god who still remained and love me unconditionally. Now, I’m already a second year student studying at Isu taking up BSIT. Dreaming to become a programmer someday or owner of a business. I know I’ll be encountering more challenges and I will face it because I know I’m not alone in this battle. I learned that behind every problem is a rich blessing. A treasure waiting to be discovered.