So far in this book we have been considering an evil as great as any practiced in human history. Our society has put to death its own offspring, millions upon millions of them. Our society has justified taking their lives, even claiming it a virtue to do so. It has been said that this is a new step in our progress toward a liberated humanity.
Such a situation has not come out of a vacuum. Each of us has an overall way of looking at the world, which influences what we do day by day. This is what we call a "world-view." And all of us have a world-view, whether we realize it or not. We act in accordance with our world-view, and our world-view rests on what to us is the ultimate truth.

The Basis for Dignity
Materialistic Humanism: The World-View of Our Era
The Search for an Adequate World-View: A Question of Method
How Do We Know We Know?
The Meaninglessness of All Things
The Relativity of Morals
Relieving the Tension in the West
Relieving the Tension in the East
Reason is Dead
Long Live Experience!
The New Mysticism
The Unveiling of Truth
The Personal Origin of Man
Freedom Within Form
The Importance of Genesis


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