Harry Beecher said: "There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for a child."
        I was born on a warm sunny day in Quirino District Naguilian Isabela. I live with my father, Emilio Malana my mother: Aidelaida Malana and my brothers: Chesterphil, Winter and Jimpol.

Who I am in life.

My name is Nikon T. Malana. I'm 19 years old turning 20 on March 16, 2016. I'm just an ordinary person with simple and unique personality. My favorite color is white which means purity. I'm not that choosy when it comes to my clothes, as long as I am comfortable with it. During my leisure time, I listen to some music, usually love songs but most of the time I watch videos in YouTube about programming for me to hone knowledge.
        I started school when I was six years old. Elementary: San Roque Elementary School, High School: School of Saint Joseph and now I'm already a second year college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) at Isabela State Univesity, Cauayan Campus.

What life means to me.

        "Life is going to give you just what you put into it. Put your whole heart in everything you do."
Life to me means friends and family who you can trust and who trusts you. I am on the happy side of life, but like teens I do have my "days off". That means I do have some sad days or depressed days. I have a few friends here that sort of look out for me and when I am having a bad day, I always talk to God our loving father. Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.

What's my outlook on the future?

        "Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win"
If you don't step forward you will always remain in the same place. Think success and it will happen. Think failure and it will happen. Whatever you do, bounces back to you. 10 years from now all I can see is success! I claim it by faith. With Gods help I'll be great. I will be quite comfortable with my stay able job. I will marry the woman whom I really love and raise a happy family with full of love and respect together with our children. Wealthy and healthy.